Girls vs. Boys & Foxes (SHORT)

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Daylon's P.O.V.

I was with The Fox 5 Gang playing NCAA against GBGLILACTIVE. I won. "Yes, I can't be fucked with", I said. "But aye, the girls fuck with the opps now, our girls don't but the gunna girls do", DeAndre said. "Ion know bout Maria & Tayonna but Kiyanah, Sasha, Kiara, Mariah, Jasmine, Shaiyla & Jada do", Deyon said. "Our girls & the other girls hate foxes too but they know not to fuck with the opps, I respect that", DeAndre said. "Oh nah, they all gettin' blocked", I said. "Nahfr I'm blockin 'em too", CJ said. "And I stopped sharing my location with Kiyanah", I said. "Good", Mook said. Kiyanah called the gc. Deyon answered. "Why the fuck did Daylon & CJ block us", Kiyanah said. "Mannn, shut yo bitch ass up!! You fuck with the opps now!!", I said. "What opps??", Sasha said. "Bitch, MarrV, Armani, Lil Web and dem", CJ said. "Who is you callin a...", Sasha said. "Mannn shut the fuck up bitch", ActWick said. Kylinn joined. "What are y'all arguing about?", Kylinn said. "They fw the opps", I said. "See, I told y'all not to fw them, now the boys don't fw y'all", Kylinn said. "What can we do to calm them down", Mariah said. 'You know how y'all can fix this, kick dem bitch ass niggas out the gc & don't add them back", I said. They kicked them out and I added Mook & Moneybag Jefe in the group chat. "Let the 2 Mooks join this friend group", I said. "Ugh ok, as long as they don't start anything", Kiyanah said. 

Moneybag Jefe

Moneybag Jefe

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