Influencer Love: Fort Worth Starts

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Daylon's P.O.V.

YSG Active x YGA DreClutch x Daylon2Active - Rest

Cam went first, then DeAndre, then I started at 1:11.

We was listening to me, Cam & DeAndre's song. "Aye, I got a question", I said. "What now?", Victoria said. "This for the niggas, if I got shot, and y'all girls in the hospital boutta have a baby, who y'all seeing? Me or them babies", I said. "You, fuck that baby 😂", Moneybaggsiah said. "Nigga, you", Melo said. "Idk, I'd prolly see you idk", Zayon said.

Zayon Williams (LiZay2Fye) [Kylinn's Brother/Ariyanah's Boyfriend] | Birthday: Feburary 20, 2007

Zayon Williams (LiZay2Fye) [Kylinn's Brother/Ariyanah's Boyfriend] | Birthday: Feburary 20, 2007

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"Tuh", Ariyanah said. "What if it was the other way around and one of us got shot", TrapHard said. I looked at Kylinn. "Nigga, my baby", I said to TrapHard. "Cus Kylinn gone be like why wasn't you here for our baby when he was born later in life", I said. "He is right", Kylinn said. "Mirah wanna get put on with somebody", Victoria said.

BadKidMirah | Birthday: June 13th, 2007

BadKidMirah | Birthday: June 13th, 2007

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 "Me, please", Bagg said. "Nigga said please", AYEERACKZZ said. "Send what you look like in the group chat, she's in there", Victoria said. Bagg sent what he look like. "You fine 😍", Mirah said in the group chat. "You tryna be my lil shawdy?", Bagg said. "Yesssss", Mirah said. "Kden Bagg", I said. "We should make a series about Love & Influencing on YouTube", I said. "Yesssssss, we should", Victoria said. "But is Kiyanah okay, heard she had a bad drug trip last night", Mirah said. "Yea, she's okay now", Ariyanah said. "Aye, we gotta find Essence a boyfriend", I said. "Frr, we do", Essence said. "My cousin Jordan", Mimi said. "Oh yea, add bra in here", CJ said. She added him.

Jordan Johnson | Birthday: April 13th, 2007

"Aye Jordan, my friend wanna get put on", Mimi said

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"Aye Jordan, my friend wanna get put on", Mimi said. "What she look like", Jordan said. Essence sent what she looks like. "You fine asf 😍", Jordan said. "Wanna be my bf?", Essence said. "For sure", Jordan said. "You tryna be on our series? It's about love and influencers", I said. "For sure, I'm down", Jordan said. "We gone call it Influencer Love: Fort Worth", CJ said. "Yes, I fuck with that", Mimi said. We also cool with Fox 5 now and we beef with Paradise, Saratoga, Simple City, Hilltop, 23rd, TrapFlava, Condon Terrace, Barry Farms, Seat Pleasant, Woodland (The O), Duece (The 4), Ewing Ave (EA) & Marlow Heights hard now which means we squashed the beef with Yung Threat, 3O$ama, QuisActive, ShiestySOB, Yung Dizzy, DB Odog, DB TrapKane, Baby Jamo, Mook, MoneySet Twin, MoneyBag Jefe, Domo El Chopo, JG Wardy, Guap, YoungFootSoldier, DB MoneyWick, DB 60, YGA Trap, Morally Rich Jake & T Motion. "Should I claim 37th or Walker Mill?", I said. "Do both, be like Baby Jamo", CJ said. "Fs, I'ma change my name to tallstackz37 and my rap name gone be Tall Stackz", I said. "Oh yea, that's gone be tuff es", Morally Rich Jake said. "Frrr", CJ said.

Morally Rich Jake

Morally Rich Jake

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