Ch.9: Caught?

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That same night, I was elbow-deep in organizing the kitchen-well, more like trying to untangle a mess of dishes and half-empty takeout containers

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That same night, I was elbow-deep in organizing the kitchen-well, more like trying to untangle a mess of dishes and half-empty takeout containers. Kira and Hazel had gone on a bender of epic proportions and passed out cold, leaving me with the task of playing kitchen fairy godmother.

I glanced at the clock. Mr. Caesar wasn't due back until 11 PM. So why were the lights on in Alessia's bedroom? Curiosity and a mild sense of dread propelled me toward the maids' quarters, only to be interrupted by a strange, soft chuckling. My heart skipped a beat. Did someone break into the mansion?

I tiptoed up the stairs, gripping my robe like a security blanket, and peeked through the slightly ajar door of Alessia and Mr. Caesar's room. The scene that greeted me was straight out of a soap opera.

There was Alessia, the queen of drama herself, wrapped around Tyson Jean, the second butler, in a hug that was decidedly more intimate than your average friendly embrace. They were giggling like they'd just discovered the secret to eternal youth, completely oblivious to my presence.

I tried to process the scene, but my brain was more focused on the sheer absurdity of it. Alessia, cheating on her billionaire husband with a butler? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'd have thought it was a plot twist from some badly-written romance novel.

Seriously, how many more cliches could this place pack in? It was like living in a bad rom-com where every plot point was telegraphed in neon lights.

I could already feel the empathy pangs creeping in. I'd been on the receiving end of betrayal before, thanks to Brian and Amelia. The sting was all too familiar. But here's the thing: I wasn't a snitch. I wasn't about to become the office gossip or the bearer of bad news. I'd barely survived my own emotional train wreck-what gave me the right to crash someone else's?

So, I took a deep breath and made a tactical retreat, deciding to focus on less earth-shattering tasks, like scrubbing the stubborn grease stains from the stovetop. After all, ignorance might not be bliss, but it sure made for a less complicated night.

I had to bite my lip to stifle a laugh as I scurried away from Alessia's room, trying to avoid any unnecessary encounters with guards or curious staff. The sounds coming from that room were nothing short of demonic. I half-expected to see flames licking at the doorframe as I made my escape.

The next morning, I was supposed to be back to my usual duties. However, my mind was as distracted as a cat in a room full of laser pointers. Kira and Hazel immediately noticed my off-kilter demeanor.

"You okay, Angelica?" Hazel asked, her eyes wide as she handed me a plate that looked like it cost more than my entire life savings. I managed to grab it just in time, narrowly avoiding a potential disaster.

"I'm good, just sleepy," I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Aww, did we leave all the last work for you?" Hazel asked with genuine concern.

Kira, ever the straight shooter, leaned in and whispered, "Did Lady Alessia do something?"

I shook my head vigorously, feeling like I was lying to two of my closest friends. I couldn't snitch on Alessia's affair-not if I wanted to keep my job and pay off my debts. It wasn't just about keeping my own skeletons in the closet; it was about preserving my sanity.

"No, no, nothing like that. Just... had a late night." I tried to sound casual, but I could almost see the suspense in the air.

Hazel's concern didn't waver. "Late night? Did you have trouble sleeping?"

I forced a smile, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. "Yeah, something like that. Just a little restless."

Kira gave me a skeptical look but didn't press further. "Alright, if you need anything, just let us know."

As they walked away, I felt a wave of relief mixed with guilt. The entire situation was a hot mess of drama and deceit, and I was stuck in the middle of it. My life was now an unpredictable soap opera, and I wasn't sure whether I was the hero or just an accidental extra. All I knew was that my job was to keep my head down, avoid scandalous revelations, and pray that no one else discovered the sordid details of Alessia's affair-or that Ryan Caesar never found out.

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