Ch.17: Confusion

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Once again, I found myself storming out of Mr

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Once again, I found myself storming out of Mr. Caesar's office, practically radiating with the fury that had been building since the moment I walked in. Great, now I was practically taking Alessia's place as the resident storm-off expert. As I rounded the corner, who do I see but the Queen of Drama herself, Alessia, standing there with her arms crossed beneath her chest, her face twisted into an expression that could scare off a pack of wolves, let alone newborns.

"Wanna explain?" she asked in a voice dripping with false camaraderie. Like we were just two pals chatting over tea instead of whatever this ridiculous power play was.

At that moment, my anger was at an all-time high. A polite maid? No chance. I didn't care if she was the lady of the house or the ruler of a small country-I was done. Maybe it was because Mr. Caesar had all but told me she couldn't and wouldn't fire me, or maybe I'd just hit my limit with all this nonsense. Either way, my smugness was dialed up to eleven.

"I believe in the contract," I replied, my voice sickly sweet with feigned politeness. "And they didn't inform me that I was supposed to spit out information even to you, My Lady." The last bit was layered with sarcasm as I glared at her, daring her to push me further.

Alessia's eyes narrowed, clearly not expecting this level of pushback. She might've been used to getting her way, but not today. Not with me. I could see the wheels turning in her head, trying to figure out if I knew that she couldn't fire me, or if I was just being exceptionally brave (or stupid).

"It's a bad event," she whispered, doing that thing where she plays the victim with a face full of faux sorrow. "To see dogs biting their master." She even went as far as to put her face in her palm, as if she was some tragic heroine in a Shakespearean play.

Oh, this was going to be fun.

"Well," I began, mimicking her theatrical tone, "it's also a bit unfortunate to see the so-called master tripping over her own leash." I shot back, letting the insult hang in the air like a bad smell.

Alessia's face twitched, but she quickly recovered, trying to maintain her dignified act. "Careful, Angelica. I'd hate to see a servant like you digging her own grave."

"Is that right?" I replied, a smirk forming on my lips. "Funny, because it looks to me like the only one digging is you, and it's not a grave-it's a hole you've been stuck in for a while now."

Her eyes widened just a fraction, and I knew I'd struck a nerve. Good. If she thought she could bully me into submission, she was sorely mistaken.

"I'd watch my tone if I were you," Alessia hissed, her composure slipping just a bit. "You forget your place."

"Actually, I think it's you who's forgotten yours, my lady," I shot back. "See, the problem with playing the victim is that eventually, people see through the act. And when they do, it's not the dog they start questioning, it's the master."

For a split second, Alessia's facade cracked, and I could see the frustration boiling beneath the surface. But she quickly masked it with a tight-lipped smile. "Enjoy your time here, Angelica. I assure you, it won't last."

"Oh, don't worry," I replied, waving her off dismissively as I walked past her. "I plan to."

As I strode away, I could practically feel her glare burning into my back, but I didn't care. For once, I felt like I was in control, and it was a damn good feeling.

I groaned inwardly as I made my way back to Ryan Caesar's office, half expecting another round of his irritating stoicism. Why did he always manage to summon me at the worst times? Maybe he wanted to continue that ridiculous husband routine or, more likely, he just wanted to make my life harder.

As I entered the office, Ryan was standing by the window, his back to me. His tall, broad frame looked even more imposing against the light streaming in. For a moment, I almost forgot why I was annoyed. Almost.

"What now, Mr. Caesar? Didn't get enough of making my life hell earlier?" I quipped, trying to keep the sarcasm in check.

He turned around slowly, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You're awfully bold today, Angelica."

"Well, you keep dragging me in here like a puppet, so what do you expect?"

He stepped closer, and I noticed his jaw was set tight. For a brief second, I wondered if I had gone too far, but then he spoke, his tone low and controlled. "What did Alessia say to you earlier?"

Of course, it had to be about her. I rolled my eyes. "She called me a dog who bites her master. What, are you here to agree with her?"

His eyes flashed with something I couldn't quite read. "She's not your master, Angelica. And you should know by now that she has no power to fire you."

"Maybe so, but she's not going to let this go, Mr. Caesar. She's going to make my life a living nightmare."

He took another step closer, and suddenly, the air felt charged. His presence was overwhelming, and I could feel the heat radiating off him. "Let me handle Alessia."

"Oh, sure, like that's going to make her less crazy."

His gaze locked onto mine, and I realized just how close we were. Too close. I could see the intensity in his eyes, and my breath caught in my throat. "I'm serious, Angelica. I'll handle her. You just do your job."

I didn't know if it was the way he said it or the fact that he was only inches away, but my heart started racing. I could feel his breath on my face, and for a moment, it felt like the whole world had stopped. Was he going to...? No, he wouldn't.

But the tension was thick, and I couldn't help but notice how his gaze flicked down to my lips before meeting my eyes again. I swallowed hard, trying to keep my composure.

"You think you can just fix everything by...ordering people around?" I whispered, my voice trembling slightly.

He didn't answer right away. Instead, he leaned in just a fraction more, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "I can fix a lot of things, Angelica. But some things...might just need a different approach."

I had no idea what he meant by that, but the way he said it sent shivers down my spine. I could barely think straight with him this close. "And what approach would that be?"

For a split second, it felt like he might close the distance, but instead, he smirked-a slow, almost dangerous curve of his lips. "You'll find out, my Angel."

My heart skipped a beat at the way he said "my Angel," but before I could react, he stepped back, putting space between us.

"You're dismissed," he said, his tone returning to that infuriatingly calm and cold demeanor.

I blinked, trying to process what had just happened. "Uh...okay."

As I walked out of the office, I couldn't help but wonder what the hell just happened. One thing was certain, though: Ryan Caesar was far more complicated-and far more dangerous-than I'd ever imagined. And despite everything, I couldn't shake the feeling that I might actually be starting to like it.

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