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Authors pov

When Hameeda arrived home, her parents were surprised to see her, as she rarely left her room and always kept them informed of her whereabouts. But today, she rushed into her room, crying uncontrollably, filled with regret for drugging Ashraf's drink and taking advantage of him.

Five hours later, the parents received a call from their son, Zahradin, informing them that Hameeda had drugged Ashraf and had sex with him, resulting in Ashraf being hospitalized due to an overdose. When the parents confronted Hameeda, she tried to explain, but her father slapped her, ashamed of her actions. Ashraf's parents also threatened to sue them if anything happened to their son.

Hameeda protested, "But I loved him! I accepted the proposal because I thought he felt the same way, but he rejected me, saying I was like a sister to him." Her father retorted, "You're leaving the country tomorrow. I've already booked your flight." Despite Hameeda's pleas, her father remained firm.

That night, her mother scolded her, "What you did is zina, a sin in Islam. You must seek Allah's forgiveness and repent." Hameeda spent the night in tears, thinking that leaving the country might be the best solution to escape her feelings.

The next morning, Hameeda left for the airport, leaving behind an apology letter for her parents and Zahradin. Zahradin called her, forgiving her and expressing his sadness at her departure. Her parents, too, felt a mix of relief and sadness, grateful that Ashraf was recovering well.

Jeedarh's POV

It's hard to believe that Ash and I are just two months away from getting married. Everything has happened so fast, and now I'm surrounded by my friends, frantically preparing for the wedding as if it's tomorrow. To be honest, I never knew wedding preparations could be so stressful. Sometimes I feel like I'm not ready at all.

I'm also struggling with the guilt of not telling Ash about my condition. I don't want anyone to pity me - I detest pity. Not even my mom knows. But Ash has been so kind and supportive, doing everything he can to make me happy. He's bought us a new house and car, and his mom has been amazing too. She's always calling me, making sure I'm okay, and even arranged for a tailor to take my measurements for the wedding dress.

My friends and I just finished our final exams, and the results were amazing. It was one of the best days of my life. And to top it off, Zahra and Zahradin are now officially dating, and Imran and Nabeelah started dating too. It feels like everything is falling into place.

But amidst all the happiness, I'm reminded of my condition. It's been six months now, and I only have one year left. The pain is increasing, and I'm experiencing more headaches, nosebleeds, and dizziness. I just want to get married and have at least one baby with Ash before it's too late. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I don't want to leave him alone in this world.

I often find myself wondering, why is Allah making my life better when I'm about to return to Him? It's a question that lingers in my mind, but I'm grateful for the blessings nonetheless. Dr. Samad has been an incredible friend, always checking in on me, asking about my health. I have to be careful with our communication, though - I don't want anyone to suspect anything, especially Ash. He can be quite possessive.

Abdul Hameed has also been a wonderful friend, so caring and loving. I've made it clear to him that Ash and I are getting married soon, and he's been supportive. This past week has been chaotic, to say the least. Working long hours, from morning till 4 pm, has been exhausting. But despite the stress, I'm grateful for my friends, Zahra and Nabeelah, even though we're not together at the same hospital, we always make time to talk and catch up.

It's funny, life is full of ups and downs, and here I am, experiencing a mix of both. My health is declining, but my life is getting better. I'm trying to make the most of it, cherishing every moment, every friendship, and every blessing that comes my way.

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