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Jeedarh's pov

Ugh, morning already? My friends are still sleeping, and we missed our morning prayers. I woke them up, and we quickly got ready for the day. After breakfast, I headed to school for my morning lectures, which started at 10 am. We finished by 3 pm, and I was exhausted from the practicals.

Throughout the day, I kept checking my phone, hoping Ashraf would call. But he didn't. I couldn't concentrate in class, my mind preoccupied with thoughts of him and my mom's constant insults. I feel like I'm living in a nightmare. Sometimes I wish I could just run away from everything and everyone.

After my friends left, I stayed behind in the empty hall, my head on the table, staring out the window. Memories of my mom's abuse flooded my mind - the hitting, the name-calling, the disgust in her eyes. I felt like dying. The pain in my head was unbearable, and I knew I needed to go to the hospital for a check-up.

As I sat there, tears streaming down my face, I thought about death. What if I died? No one would remember me, and everyone would move on with their lives, even my own mother. The thought sent a chill down my spine.

I decided to go to the mosque to sleep for a bit, hoping my swollen eyes would reduce before going home. As I was leaving, I saw a guy walking towards me and tried to hide my eyes. But then I heard a gentle "teslim" - a greeting, a sign of respect.

Author POV

As Jeedarh walked away from the mosque, she was greeted by Abdul Hameed, who smiled and said, "Asalamu alaikum, sister." Jeedarh replied, "Walaikumu Salam, how may I help you?" Abdul Hameed expressed concern for her well-being, and Jeedarh brushed it off, but he persisted, asking for her contact information. She hesitated but eventually shared it with him.

Just then, Ashraf appeared, looking angry. He accused Jeedarh of lying to her friends and meeting men behind their backs. Jeedarh was taken aback, and Ashraf's words cut deep, echoing her mother's hurtful comments. She began to cry, and Ashraf realized his mistake. He tried to apologize, but Jeedarh was too hurt. She passed out in his arms, and he rushed her to the school infirmary.The nurse quickly attended to her, and after a brief examination, she reassured Ashraf, "Don't worry, it's just too much stress.

She's been through a lot emotionally, and it's taken a toll on her body." Ashraf breathed a sigh of relief, grateful it wasn't something more serious. He waited anxiously for Jeedarh to wake up, staying by her side and watching her every now and then.

After three hours, Jeedarh woke up to find Ashraf beside her. She smiled, but remembering their argument, she quickly looked away. Ashraf apologized profusely, explaining himself and promising never to judge her again. Jeedarh forgave him, and they shared a passionate kiss.

As they left the clinic, Ashraf confessed his love for her, and Jeedarh blushed, feeling special. They hugged tightly before parting ways. Jeedarh found her friends giggling at her, having witnessed the scene through the window. She changed the subject, asking about plans for her upcoming birthday, and they teased her, saying it was a surprise.

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