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Darkness... All surrounding me... And silent... All is dark and silence... And then... I wake up... I wake up dizzy and confused... Having in my mind multiples names... I was in shock and at the same time normal... Then someone called me and I automaticly responded... I was curious about all of this but still... It was as I already knew...
"Something new" to a bran new level, even reaching to a bran new life, but sadly... It wasn't going to be anything good... But be a helltrap... A springlock but with some changes as thebsoul be who is trapped and the human body as the springsuit...

Since this point of awakenning, I already had my ghost companion "Chara" with me, but didn't able to interact with eachother, but she was able to realize multiples things on me.

Time to explain the past; after the awakening, the memories storaged in this body (that is now mine) helped me recognize people around me, I was in school, playing football as extraordinary task, had friends, but sadness was always there... Bot even angels get saved in this doom, and this body sadly has mental issues,at first they affected me directly, and was very visible, as hiding under the desk by... No reason? I'm even surprised by why, but is true, I try to analize myself and in this memory is literally by no reason, and was scared and even almost or literally crying, I don't understand why, but the mental problems were there, but they started to dissappear forever... Or at least is what I thought... With time some things changed while I had to focus in study and interact with the bible and this religious since I was in an obligated sacred school, since start all bad, fake friends that in reality didn't care about me, a school that obligates to pay and interact with things like this, good that there was football, I wasn't bad but not really good either, I was just good, and some day while trainning, I decide to close my eyes while I'm running torwards to strike a gol, and then I start feeling my body moving by itself, after a while I see myself with the ball and for shoot, literally aside, but then as I openned my eyes I lost that moment and I lost the ball, that was the first moment of Chara taking control over my body, I felt as Goku when obtain Ultra Instinct, but Chara enjoyed more playing than wathing, well, that was the first move she does to control me and interact with me, the fiest time she gets the control over me, I felt very relaxed and withouth any worry while I was feeling how my body was moving first to the left and later to the right, I didn't mind how or why, just in enjoy the moment as she did, thus happenned while I was in 6th grade of School, I only have memories from this body having 5 years old to up, or in short, when I was in 5th or 6th grade of school until the actually; other moment was my first declaration of love, was while a function of school and I tried to declarate to a girl that my body had feelings for and what she did? She turned around and laughed with her friends... Pathetic... I didn't feel anything at all since I wss doing something that this body wanted, so it didn't affect me at all.

More information about me to understand the next moments much better, I was a pure innocent kid, pure soul of kindness, a true angel that always wanting to help others, support others, and be worried about how others were, didn't had anything or even a drop of pervert or bad thoughts in my mind, with golden yellow hair and both eyes were green and blue, vey beatefull and cute, blue eye colours when darkness and no lights iluminated my face or around, and green eyes when was lights and ilumination, both ways very beatefull combination.

Multiples days of shool, one of them I commented in high voice "I'm hot" and my class looked to me as SUS, and then I asked "You don'tbhave hot with this temperature?", I wss so innocent and they so pervert already, I wss as Asriel and Papyrus with both personalities together, the best of btoh fused and more, and with the time I recovered low by low my memories, and during night I used to obtain more knowledge about random things, even to see how much innocent I was, one day in class I got the dictionary and I searched randomly the words "Boobs" and "Dick", by no reason, literally that words, and I was laughing and enjoying searching that words, even shared with a classmate, I was very very innocent and pure, omg I wasn't even myself, was like me getting more and more control every day of this body that for me was new, and other day, that was going to be one of my last days in school, I tell to my teacher that my "father" was abusing me sexualy, touching me, and the truth is... Is true, my suppossed "fathers" are total junkies with mental problems and all issues, all was problematic, even before this body born, they were always giving troubles, always provocating issues around them, they acted very unusual and destructive, even acted very dangerous for theimselves, and did for very long years, I unknow how many, but glad to never had parents, I neved needed then anyways, I just learn by myself and do all by myself, tragectly, I had to be by my own always, no help from anyone, vey sad for fuure events that would come to my existance in my personal hell, and is always issues everywhere and problems around me.
When I was a kid, I used ti have the most pure soul of kindness and always so oure wanting to help, always be worried for others, very sad that I had a monster soul instead a human soul... Tragic for me and for my future existance...

After I tell to the teacher, she told to someone and then during the day, 2 polices came to get me, I unknow where she called but made me enter in a minor center, I didn't understand and just entered the car withouth asking, I wonder how dumb I was, or even how pure.

Important date: This body has so many glucose in blood that receives heart attacks very but very frequently, almost at any moment can happen, and happens a lot, and that affects me and it hurts, until eventually I stopped feeling my heart and only in some moments of exercise or low moments, but this makes me feel death inside of me, inside my chest, inside my heart... And every time I get exhausted, I feel I'm bleeding in my chest, that I have a slash and I'm bleeding, I feel my original death, a slash in my chest and in my mouth, but aren't real that blood and only are feelings, but it feel so real thag I even check if I'm bleeding and hurts as same as if is real, reinforcing more data about who I trully am, not this body, but my soul.

The awakenning of Dreemurr's Reborn.Where stories live. Discover now