Unexpected troubles

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(Starts at 2 AM at night)

Ahri pov
After I finally managed to get Y/n to peacefully settle down and sleep I didn't dare to move just in case I accidentally woke him up. I looked down at him as I gently ran my hand through his hair and would occasionally rub his ear which surprisingly he didn't react. Eve told me that when she touched Y/n's tails his powers started to malfunction. My guess is because she is a succubus that has access to dark magic is probably why his powers malfunction. I seen Y/n softly cuddle the tail I lended him. I found it quite cute to see Y/n have such a side to him. I should probably find where his parents are buried so we can take him so he can pay his respects, I gently kissed him on the forehead and seen a small smile appear on his face. I looked at him and wondered what he sees me as. Does he see me as a lover or a guardian of sorts. He has been extremely affectionate and clingy to me for the past few days...But I don't believe he realizes his own feelings. I should probably talk to him about this later on today...when he's in a better mood. I draped my tails over us as a blanket but let him keep the one and I watched his tails do the same thing. I rested my head on his and decided to go to sleep finally.

Timeskip till 8 AM

Y/n pov
I slowly opened my eyes and seen that Ahri was cuddling me. I didn't want to go anywhere yet since I was comfortable. I felt Ahri move and she asked "Are you awake Y/n?" I looked up and said "mhm" she gently scratched me back which I purred loudly.  She said "Where are your parents buried?" I replied "In Ionia but I made makeshift graves in the backyard of my old home." Ahri nodded "How about we make them a grave here so you can pay your respects alright Y/n." I nodded and asked quietly "Can we do it later today Ahri? I just want to stay like this for a bit longer."

Timeskip till noon

Y/n pov (still)
Me and Ahri heard knocking at my bedroom door. I got up and walked over and opened it revealing Eve. She crossed her arms and said "I've been trying to get a hold of both of you for the last 30 minutes." I apologize and Eve said "Well we have a concert coming up soon in Ionia. True Damage will be coming with." Our concert debut is 3 weeks from now so we have to start kicking things into high gear. This will also be your first official concert with us Y/n. So we need to get you prepared and help you get over your stage fright Y/n. So today I need you to start making a song. We'll help you fine tune and perfect your song...BUT you will be the one singing the song. I felt my heart suddenly drop at the sudden overload of information.

Ahri came over and said "That's too little time to prepare and what was Mundo thinking. Isn't this supposed to be a group decision." I took a breath because I did say I'll do anything to pay them back. I looked at Eve and said "Show me the recording studio Eve." Ahri put her hand on my shoulder and said "Are you crazy Y/n?" I looked at her and said "Ahri it'll be fine. I did sign the contract and said I'll do anything to clear the slightest amount of debt. This would've happened sooner or later and I would rather not be the reason a concert gets postponed. So It'll be alright...I promise." Ahri seen my nervous but determined expression and nodded.

Eve gestured me to follow her which I did. We entered the elevator and pressed the button. When the doors closed she said "What you're doing is extremely brave Y/n. Very few people are as brave as you. Most people would just break down and cry. I know that you're scared of being on stage...but you'll have me, Ahri, Akali, Kai, and all of True Damage backing you up. I will be talking to Mundo about this. He should've known better. When we get to the recording studio. I'll show you how to use everything and do a dry run on your first one alright." I nodded and the elevator doors open and she took me into the recording booth and gave me a tutorial on everything. After she got done she said "We'll come check up on you occasionally. Don't push yourself too hard alright?" I nodded and gave her a small peck on the cheek and said "Thanks Eve. I owe you big time." I left her there stunned and entered the recording room itself. I seen a variety of instruments and took a few moments to decide on how I should approach those. K/DA is a pop star type of band so I should try starting there. I sat down on a chair and pulled out my phone and looked for some general ideas which when I got some I decided to start working.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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