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As I hurriedly ran on the sidewalk looking for shelter to escape the pouring rain. I suddenly came across an old, empty, abandoned shop and decided to rest there until the rain stops. I looked at myself, drenched, soaked from head to toe, mi hair all messy, my shoes that has holes all over it, soaking wet. I sighed as I leaned back against the wall, Looking at the pouring rain, I couldn't help but reflect on my life for the past few years my mother had died from that illness. My father, who I used to love so deeply, become a changed person after he married that woman with her three daughters. I've been treated like a slave... even though I'm the youngest amongst all, they didn't seemed to care one bit. I washed all of their clothes, cook and clean the entire house, even my bedroom, my own father packed my things and put them into the attic and gave the room to his wife's older daughter. The attic had holes all over the rooftop and at night it was surprisingly cold, even when it rains, I had to use buckets to catch water in order for my room not to get all wet and messy. He stopped sending me to school as I recall the exact day when he told me that my education doesn't matter and I'm just a nobody. He spent all his money and time on his wife's children and didn't give me a penny. Even at dinner time I was excluded from the dining table with whatever food that's left, I was forced to eat all alone in the attic. Now, my birthday is today.... I'm finally nineteen years old and my own father doesn't even remember. He would always rant on about how he's going to sell me off (marriage) to anybody who comes to him with a good price. I'm so heartbroken, at this point I wish I could've join my mother. Because in this world where not only your own father sees you as an outcast, failure... only my mother, had genuine love for me. Sometimes I wish I could see her and cry helplessly in her arms for I know that she would comfort me. It looks like the rain is going to stop soon. I looked at the bag and see if anything was wet inside because even if a droplet is on one of these, I know for sure my dad will beat me helplessly like he always does when he comes home drunk. After sometime the rain stops, I hurriedly make my way home. Upon arriving, I saw my father's wife and three daughters all sitting on the couch, feet up, watching the television. As I entered into the house they all turned to look at me. " what took you so long? I waited like forever?" That's Ashley.. the eldest daughter. She has long curly dark hair, brown eyes, straight nose, light skinned complexion and she's really really fat. "Sorry. I had to stop and seek shelter because of the rain."   I replied      " you stopped because of a little rain? Look... you see when I send you out on an errand, it doesn't matter if it's raining fire, I expect you to bring it here without a lame excuse such as 'I stopped because it was raining' do you hear me?" And that's ruby.. my father's wife. She's of white complexion, dark long hair, brown eyes, straight nose and yes... she's also very fat. " yes ma'am." I replied softly. " come on! give me my stuff. It's the latest edition makeup. And if it's not in good condition you know what's going to happen when a certain someone arrives." That's judy. The second eldest. She has short brown curly hair, dark eyes, light skinned complexion round nose and she's not very fat like the other two. " come on. Hand me my headphones already." And that's pinky.. the youngest amongst them. Her hair is really long, brown and curly, light skinned complexion, brown eyes and she's not fat like the rest of them. She's just like me.... Skinny! Even though I'm a lot more skinner than her. She's only a year older than me too. " sure." I said calmly. I took the boxes from the bag and give it to them. I stood and watch as they all opened their gifts which my dad has bought online for them. Ashley, got a brand new phone for her birthday which is in December, an early birthday gift I guest. Judy received a ton of makeup items, pinky received a cute pink wireless headphone and ruby, received a gold watch. As I stood there watching the smiles on their faces, ruby turned to me and said. Your father will be home soon so go and start making dinner. We ran out of gas so you'd have to use the outside kitchen. And don't take too long because we're all getting hungry." She demands. " what I'd like for dinner this time is garlic butter steak with mashed potatoes along with a side of shrimps." Ashley demands. Her sisters and mother all agreed that this is what they'll be having for dinner as well. "Okay." I replied and left the living room immediately. I went up to my room ( the attic) to changed out of these wet clothes and went outside in the kitchen to get dinner started. After I gathered all the ingredients I realized that I didn't have the most important one. Garlic. And so I rushed over to my next door neighbor, Mrs maple to ask for some. She's an elderly widow who plants her own crops from time to time. She's also very nice too. After calling her name a few times she opened the door and smiled upon seeing me. "Quinn. How nice of you to drop by. What can I help you with today?" She asked. " I just need some garlic if you have any to spare." I replied.. Mrs maple put her hands on her chin and said "garlic. I think I have some left over. Wait right here while I grab some." And so she turned her back and went inside. After a few minutes of waiting, she returned with a few garlic and a box in her hand. " here. This is for you." She said as she handed me the box. " what's inside?" I asked. "Open it and you'll see." Mrs maple smiled as she looked at me. I quickly open the box and to my surprise it's a new pair of shoes and a nice black dress along with a nice laced black slippers. " it's what I could afford with the money I make from the market. Even though I wish I could've given you something better. Happy birthday Quinn." Tears filled my eyes as I heard Mrs maple say those words. I stammered, telling her a thank you while tears flow down my face uncontrollably. " you're welcome dear. And you should eat some more too. You've been getting skinner everytime I see you. Come inside. I've made rice and beans with baked chicken." I smiled upon hearing those words. As it's been a long time since I've had a good meal. " Mrs maple. I appreciate everything you're doing for me but.. I can't stay and eat. I have to go back and prepare dinner before my father arrives back home." I looked at Mrs maple as she thinks something through. "Wait right here." She said and hurriedly went back inside. She arrived back with a plate in her hand, she passed it to me and said. " eat it as soon as you can before it gets cold. And here's a bottle of carrot juice I made earlier and one more thing." She helplessly digs into her pocket searching for something. " it's not much but I hope it buys you whatever you want. And don't let them know anything about it okay?" I smiled as I received the money from Mrs maple. " I will. Thank you so much Mrs maple." She smiled and replied " no problem child. Now hurry up and go before you know who starts searching for you." And with that I immediately left and went back over to get started on dinner.

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