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As I followed behind Lucas, I can't help but notice that he's totally different from the rest I've seen. He's more... human like... just like their king... only smaller in height. I take a good look around my surroundings and can't help but feeling a little creeped out. The walls are decorated with red luminous figures, it's as if they were made from humans and they also carry a light stench. I've walked past multiple doors and I could hears screams of horror coming from them. I clasped my hands together and close my eyes as I pray to god to take me away from this horrible place. We walked for sometime until we came across a bridge outside. Surprisingly it was quite beautiful. I could see the tiny goldfish swimming up and down the small stream. The trees were so huge and the leaves very bright and green. I could hear the birds chirping as well and finally... what I've been waiting for.. fresh air. I stopped and take in the nice fresh air as the breeze blows through my hair. Lucas turned around and looked at me as he said " I know you're tired but bear with me a little longer. His majesty's chambers is just up that hill."  I look up and see a huge three if not five storey building and surrounding the house are two enormous trees with pink petals. It look so beautiful. And so we continued our journey. I pounder on my thoughts, wondering if I should ask lucas the question I've been dying to ask ever since I wake up. Well... nothing try nothing done I guess. " umm. E- excuse me. Your name is Lucas right?" He tilt his head and replied  " that's right! How may I be of service to you my lady?" I was shocked upon hearing him say that.   " there's no need to address me like that. You could just call me Quinn like everyone else. And by the way. Where am I?" Lucas let out a breath of air then he answered.  " well.. as you already know.. you're no longer in the human world. You're in our world. It's called the netherworld otherwise known to most humans as the world of the dead."  My mouth open wide then I continued. " so if this is the world of the dead... does it mean that I'm dead also?"   Lucas chuckled then he said " in your case. No. You were actually sold off by your father to be the kings bride. Not a sacrifice. His majesty was just scaring you back then. And to top it off you're also very pure. I can still smell the pure odor coming from you and it's making my nose tingle. A lot of humans came here who got sold off by their relatives, significant other or even friends but they end up dying as a sacrifice because they were of no value. However a virgin on the other hand. Will bring tremendous blessings and even peace amongst the entire netherworld."   I think for a moment and then it hit me   " wait! Did you say bride? My father sold me off to that man to be his bride? Is that what I heard you just say?"   Lucas nodded his head and said   " yes indeed. Within a couple weeks from now you'll be attending your wedding ceremony as that will also be the night you give yourself to his majesty."  I stopped in my tracks. Trying to process every single word that lucas was saying. " bride? Give my body? I didn't give those permission. And I refuse to marry that terrifying man I'd rather kill myself." Lucas turned around to face me then he lowered his hands to his side and said   " well.. overall you have no say in this matter at all. Because your father was the one who signed the contract that clearly states that his majesty could use you however he see fit. So whether you want to marry him or not, no matter how you retaliate it's no use. You'll just have to comply.after all... even if you're still refusing, his majesty could just kill you and do whatever he wants with your body and discard it after." My feet have gone weak. I couldn't help but fall helplessly onto the ground, lowering my head. Lucas sit on a rock beside me crossing his leg over the other. He looked at me and said " it's not a bad thing you know. Being the kings bride. After all you'd be living your best life as your previous was just horrible. You'll have your own servants, limitless food, someone to wash your back, carry you whenever you don't feel like walking, you could even travel between dimensions too. So I'd say in your situation it's a win. If anything you should thank your scumbag of a father. Just think about it. In the mean time please get up and follow me. We don't have very far left to go."  Lucas stands up and held out his hand towards me. I looked up at him wondering if I should take his hand or not. He looked at me and smiled as he said   " come on you can take it. I don't bite. Nor I won't hurt you either. I'm not like those thirsty guys you met in the room back there. And please don't mention this to anyone that I touched you."  After some thought I put my hand into his and he helped me up off the ground. As I stand there brushing the dirt off my dress I can't help but asked again   " tell me! What's the reason why your king needs a bride?"   Lucas sits back down on the rock and then he begins " well you see. Without a First Lady this kingdom will never know peace. And by that I mean. The First Lady's job is to marry the king and make babies. As the saying in this world goes... babies are a blessing and it's been ages, thousands of years since a baby has been born in this realm. And that's the reason why we have continuous wars up until now. Besides the whole reason for this entire war is the late mistress of the king."  I looked at Lucas and ask   " the late mistress? What happened ?"   Lucas got up off the rock and begins to walk so I slowly tailed behind him.  " well I can't tell you that. If you really want to know you should ask his majesty himself. If I tell you, that would mean I'll be getting the death penalty."    I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued to walk silently behind Lucas

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