3. First Impressions

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Francesco was throwing his basketball around the front yard of his uncle's mansion trying to kill time before he had to leave to attend the feast at the town hall with Costanzo. His uncle had no basketball hoop installed anywhere but he didn't mind.

Costanzo was leaning against the wall stiffly looking at his brother. He knew something was bothering Francesco. The only reason he had come out to play was to distance himself from the house. He had tried so hard to get him to admit to what was bothering him to no avail.

Costanzo was getting bored with his brother's refusal to talk. He sighed "Come on Francesco. Talk to me. What is the matter? Its not so bad here. It's not so different to New York if you come to think of it. Our stay here is only temporary either way."

Francesco threw his ball to the ground and faced his brother " Will you give it a rest. I want some peace. That's all. Leave me be. Do you mind? "

Costanzo insisted " Speak to uncle. Tell him what's bothering you. We have everything here that we had back in New York. What's different now?"

Francesco spoke " As if you don't know. We had freedom back in New York. We were treated like one of our father's associates. But here we will be living under uncle Piero's dictatorship. He wouldn't let us do anything we were allowed to do when we were living with father. I feel like we are serving a prison sentence in this damn place."

" A prison? A dictatorship? Very Interesting." A voice said

Both Costanzo and Francesco paled as they turned and saw their uncle standing only a few meters away from them on the porch. It seemed like he had heard what they had just discussed. None of them dared say anything back. They were saving their breaths waiting for their uncle to reprimand them.

Their uncle walked slowly to where they were standing and stared at them in silence with raised eyebrows. He then spoke " Go on. I am wishing to hear more. You were saying Francesco."

Francesco managed to find his voice "You heard it all. There is nothing much left to say. As you must have noticed, I hate staying at this mansion since there is nothing for me and my brother to do here except being obedient nephews to you. You can't blame me for hating this place. Now show me the way to the cellar uncle. You said if I displease you again, then you would ask your men to beat me up down there."

Costanzo covered his mouth as he heard his brother addressing his uncle. His brother was sounding sarcastic. He was surely going to go down. Their uncle was an unforgiving man.

To the surprise of Costanzo and Francesco, their uncle Piero spoke calmly " Francesco. I made the cellar threat for extreme offences. You can talk to me as long as you don't raise your voice and you don't bang your fist on my furniture. I am willing to listen. Now lets lay down the rules here. Damn right this is a dictatorship. You will do as I ask when I ask. You will never question me. Is that understood?"

Francesco and Costanzo whispered " Yes uncle."

Piero spoke " But this is not a prison. You are free. Your father asked me to let you do everything you were allowed to do by your father in New York."

Francesco sounded hopeful " So while we are living with you, can we fight, sabotage, use guns like your guards and do killings?"

Piero sounded surprised " Is that what you did back in New York? Did your father let you do killings even?

Costanzo whispered " Not me. Its Francesco who gets a kick out of such illegal activities . I kept out of illegal stuff most of the time unless Francesco dragged me with him. He forced me many times to take part in beating people up and setting fire to people's homes and doing some other despicable things that I would rather not recall. But I always refused to commit murder. That's where I drew the line."

A Mob Boss's First Love (Book 1 Of The New York Mafia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now