30. Hard To Understand Him

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Adele was looking out of the car window and admiring the tall buildings of the city as she was driven through the streets of New York in one of Rosario Cars with tinted windows. Francesco of course had a tight grip on her waist making her lean to him.

Francesco whispered " Why do you keep staring out of the windows. What impresses you so much about this city at day time?"

Adele turned to Francesco " The tall buildings are so impressive. I love how big this city is and how beautiful all shops and houses are too. I love New York."

Francesco smiled " I am glad you like this city sweetheart. But you would love it even more when I take you out at night time. It looks magical as they say mainly because of the lights of the city. You will see soon."

Adele asked " Can we go out tonight to see the city at night time?"

Francesco sighed " I wish we could sweetheart but I am very busy today. I have many business meetings today. I need to see Georgio Canavaro after we return from our date at the mansion. Then I have meetings with my guards and then my business partners and my lawyers. It's Sunday but I normally hold my weekly meetings today."

Adele spoke " So .... Can I come with you to your meetings. Please tell me I am not expected to stay in my room all day today while you are in your meetings."

Francesco spoke " You can do any thing you want at the mansion sweetheart but I don't want you to be present in my meetings. I don't think you would like to witness what happens in my meetings."

Adele looked baffled " What do you mean? What happens at your meetings? I thought you said the people you work with come to see you. What happens that you don't think I am ready for? They probably give you some files or calculations or reports or whatever you ask them to give you as your boss. Right?"

Francesco spoke " Darling. There are other things they have to hand over to me too. There maybe some people that I may need to put on trial and give them verdicts on the spot such as elimination. For instance one of my business partners caught an employee stealing from my company. They bring them over to my mansion and I would ask them to report to me. So I am not going to give anyone who steals from me a promotion. Am I? In fact I will give them a demotion to a grave."

Adele covered her mouth with her hand from the shock. She didn't know what to say. She shook her head and then looked away.

Francesco frowned " I am sorry but you asked me if you can come to my meetings. I gave you the answer. But I am not saying this is all that would happen in my meetings. I could also promote some of my men. Some may even take positions of the ones I demote so things can look bright for some too. But I don't just promote and demote people either. It could be initiation day for a new member working for me too. One of my men may have a son, nephew, cousin or a friend who has just turned eighteen. They may want to introduce them to join my business. I may give the new recruit an assignment on the spot to test to see if they are up to working for me. So, I don't just kill people for the whole duration of the meeting. So don't look so horrified and stop looking away from me sweetheart. Its not going to be that bad."

Adele put her hand down and slowly looked back at Francesco. She spoke carefully " Francesco .... Why do you speak so casually about .... Killing people? I can't believe you. The thought of you shooting someone dead makes me cringe. Please Francesco ... don't kill people. You are successful in business. Why do you have to take lives?" As Adele said this, tears escaped her eyes that made her look away. She couldn't help herself. She started sobbing.

Francesco embraced Adele and spoke " Sweetheart. Stop crying. Let me tell you. I don't always shoot people when I kill them. There are other ways to kill as well. There are ways much more painful to kill a man than just shooting them. Trust me. Now stop. I don't like to see you cry my angel. This is supposed to be our time together. We are on our way to our date. Don't spoil this date for us. I may get angry if you don't stop crying. And believe me sweetheart, you wouldn't want to see me angry with you."

A Mob Boss's First Love (Book 1 Of The New York Mafia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now