27. Painful Moments

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A knock on the door got the attention of those in the dining hall. Francesco sighed "Come in."

One of Francesco's guards came inside looking down and spoke "Boss. You have a phone call."

Francesco looked at Adele and spoke "I have to take my calls. I would be back in a few minutes." He then got up from the table and left the room.

As he closed the door behind him, Antonio looked up at Costanzo "Do you have something to tell me?"

Costanzo shrugged "I don't know what you mean."

Antonio put down his knife and fork and leaned back. "I am no stranger. I could see how troubled you looked when Francesco asked you about finding yourself a girl. You can tell me about anything that's bothering you. I won't ever tell Francesco if you tell me anything personal or in confidence. I swear."

Costanzo spoke "Excuse me. I don't look troubled. Just drop it." He then turned to Adele "Could you please pass on the salt Adele." Adele smiled and complied but even she knew something was wrong. She was looking at Costanzo with concern.

Antonio spoke "Please tell me you are over that girl who's father works for the Senate ...... Its her isn't it. You still love her. That's why you don't date women any more."

Costanzo looked away "Don't go there Antonio."

Antonio spoke "Francesco gave you an order. You can't ignore it."

Costanzo sighed "Francesco told me I am not allowed to contact her anymore but I am allowed to think about her. Aren't I"

Antonio spoke "No. You aren't actually. Francesco told you, not to go near her but if he finds out what her memory is really doing to you, then he may commit to extremes. And I mean more extreme actions in addition to what he has done already."

Costanzo's eyes widened "What kind of actions?"

Antonio spoke "As if you don't know. She didn't meet that British business man she is dating now by accident and you know it. He is one of Francesco's clients in shipping. I was there when he cornered the guy into agreeing to befriend the girl by going to the charity events she attends for a while. He was supposed to convince her to go out with him for a while to keep you away from her right after you broke up with her. The deal was for the guy to date the girl and then break it off after a few months so it could help you move on maybe during that time but it seems like the guy fell in love with the girl. He cant get enough of her and they are to be engaged next month."

Adele who was silent till now gasped and spoke in disbelief "Francesco didn't do that. Please tell me."

Costanzo was looking like death now "You mean ..... he set them up...."

Antonio laughed nervously "You mean you didn't know anything about this. Nothing at all? How is that possible? Francesco didn't tell me this was top secret or ...... did he?" He sighed in frustration "Damn it. I am so dead if he finds out I revealed this to you. I totally had forgotten, you didn't know anything about this." He spoke seriously "But lets face it. That girl is moving on with her fiancé next month to London across the Atlantic ocean and then their wedding follows shortly after that. Francesco is also attending and going to make you attend too. But he won't tell you until the day before their wedding I suppose. I think you weren't supposed to know this either. But I am already done for. I want to warn you that your brother can make her life very difficult if he feels like it. So if you care for that girl you have to move on and start dating or at least start pretending that you are moving on. While we are here at this mansion, I will take you out to the clubs and bars I go to. You may meet some lovely girls."

A Mob Boss's First Love (Book 1 Of The New York Mafia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now