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Life for any mutant wasn't easy. No matter how many times you reminded yourself "mutant and proud" moments of insecurity lay deep in the hearts of most.

Y/N was the same, she noticed she was different pretty young. Climbing trees witn friends, she fell and broke her leg. The doctors said it would take months to heal, the next week she was already climbing again.

Then one day walking home a man tried to mug y/n's mom. The screaming and begging was all too much and as the man pointed a gun at y/n's mom she was just so scared that the next thing she knew a spike had peirced the very centre on his forehead, and open wound in y/n's wrist being the only indicator of what really happened.

Y/N's mom rushed her home and sat her down. The words y/n heard stayed with her, for a very long time.

"Never do anything like that again. My little girl is not a mutant, she's a normal child. If I ever see you do anything like won't ever see me again"

At 13, curiosity got the best of her, and she aimed spikes at a tree. They still tore open her wrist which wasn't very convenient but it healed after a day or two.

Only mistake was getting caught, and her mom kept her word. Y/N was sent to a boarding school that "converted" mutants. Essentially, it tortured children until they learnt not to show any abilities and then preached it as a great success.

Even if y/n logically knew this was wrong, all those years learning the opposite got the best of her. Y/N, now spent her life working at a normal office job just hoping nothing will happen to expose who she really was.

Her mom was now back to being the proud affectionate mother y/n remembered. But there was always this edge y/n knew if she crossed she'd lose the relationship forever.

So, for y/n, it was hard being brave.

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A/N: I'm a slow burn girly so if that isn't your thing feel free to pick a different book. This is a super whim of the moment decision to write this. I really hope you enjoy. Also, I'm not American so I might get things wrong if I do please let me know.<3

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