Gaara love story 3

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# means in dream #

# I rolled over snuggling to my pillow and something brushed my hair back. I opened my eyes and found Gaara leaning over me with a smile.

I blinked confused, "Gaara?"

He bent down and traced my lips, "Hana." I felt a shiver and my eyes fell shut only to flutter back open.

"What are you doing?" I whispered quietly feeling my face heat up. He bent down brushing his lips to mine making my eyes widened but I kissed him back. #

My eyes shot open to see the window. I blushed shaking my head, "it was a dream..." I muttered softly. I felt something small in me... disappointment? I was disappointed because it was a dream.

I went to get up but found I was being held back. I lifted my hand looking down and found an arm wrapped tightly around my waist. I became more awake and realized he was spooning me.

His face pressed into my hair as he held me. I blushed a bit and tried to get away but he wouldn't let me. I relaxed back onto the bed and he pulled me tighter to his body.

I heard a knock follow by a voice, "Gaara the meeting room is waiting for you.... Gaara?" it was that girl again.

I shifted around shaking Gaara, "Gaara wake up." he blinked looking up at me. The girl knocked again making him glance over. He let go of me getting up.

I felt sad when he left me alone on the bed but got up and cleaned myself. I noticed Gaara wasn't looking at everyone as he sat down.

I went and got him oatmeal because I didn't feel like making something big. I leaned against his chair with a small yawn.

I wonder what Gaara thinks when we keep waking up together. He must be a boob guy because he is always cuddling to my chest.


I broke out of my thoughts and looked at Gaara, "what." he glanced up at me waiting. I got on my knees and he moved to me.

I held back the urge to lean in more when he bent to my ear, "in my study there is something in my left bottom drawer. Go get it." I nodded and stood up.

I went into his study and to his desk. I pulled open the left bottom drawer and saw chocolate. I giggled grabbing one. He had a secret stash of chocolate, how cute.

I went back to the board room and Gaara looked at my hand; I gave it to him and he took it eating it.

I leaned on his chair and saw Gaara’s siblings. The girl was glaring at me making me smirk; I leaned down to Gaara, "can I fight her."

He looked up to his sister then back down, "no." I pouted crossing my arms and sat on the table, "so what is on the agenda today?"

He finished his chocolate and put his hands together, "we are going to the leaf village today.”

I perked up, "really?! Do we get to do something exciting?!" I was already happy to go back to see lady Hokage.

He looked at me and gave me a small look, "I am having a discussion with lady Hokage about the treaty." he answered as he got up.

I noticed his siblings were following as well. I couldn’t help but smile when we got outside. I grinned and shook Gaara, "are you excited?" he just gave me a glare.

Gaara love story (short story) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now