Gaara love story 5

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A few weeks passed and we haven't once mentioned what happened when we nearly kissed. We actually haven't talked at all since when I cried and told him to leave.

I make him breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then just follow him around. The next day after I cried I found Gaara had set up a room for me just across from his. It had new clothes in it and he said it was mine. That was the most we spoke in the few weeks.

We haven't really done anything but work and boredom seems to rule my life right now; I also felt more agitated than usual. I usually go train when I'm upset but I can't leave, not when I have to protect him.

My head snapped up when my door opened. It was early in the morning right now; I was awake because I felt too stressed out and he is awake because of insomnia.

"Let's go." he ordered walking out.

I jumped up pulling fighting clothes on and ran after him, "Where are we going?" where could we possible go at a time like this?

Soon we were away from the sand village and on even hard ground. Gaara suddenly turned around and sand flew at me. My eyes widened making me jump back, "What are you doing?!" I asked slightly shocked he would attack me. Was this it? Was he tired of me?

I kept dodging his attack watching him but he just kept a straight face as his sand attacked me.

"Fight back!" he ordered a bit harshly and his sand quickened.

I hesitated before grabbing my knife and kicked his sand so it broke and ran at him. He didn't use his sand as a barrier like he did with other battles and faced me head on.

We went hand to hand combat; I was surprised to see how fast and strong he was, but I matched him. He landed a blow on my stomach sending me back a couple of feet but I got a scratch on his cheek.

He raised his hand at the new wound then turned back to me. He dropped his hand and I saw hand go up and cover the wound. I know he always holds a barrier of sand completely on him like a second pair of skin, so I knew I didn't hurt him.

I held my stomach for a moment before it healed. I crouched and shot at him. I noticed he was blocking my attacks easier making me growl. He was going easy on me! He must think I'm so weak if I can't even protect myself from him!

I felt as if I was getting faster and matched his pace, but once again he hit my stomach knocking me back. I glared in anger and charged him not caring for my stomach.

He was making me madder; I just wanted to defeat him! I pulled out another knife with my other hand and came at him. He seemed surprised I could use both my hands but that only made him join in his sand. Not only did I have to watch out for his fists but his sharp sand.

Soon we were both panting heavily leaning on our knees. We were evenly matched... I slid my knives away walking towards Gaara.

He stood up wiping his forehead, "Feel better?" he wondered looking me up and down.

I couldn't help but smile slightly, "Yah... I actually do..." I looked down at my hands opening and closing them. I didn't feel so restricted or mad anymore.

"After breakfast we will come back and begin training."

I nodded at his order and we headed back to the village. I couldn't help but smile... he fought with me because he was worried. You know I can't think of him as a monster when he acts like an angel.


Gaara love story (short story) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now