chapter thirteen

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Tankhun's pov

"pa, we really have to do something about them, if you were there, you'd be surprised at the two of them crying.i haven't seen kinn crying for ages". I said crying  .

"Khun stop being a cry baby , they're couples so they'll figure it out by themselves".korn said frustrating.

"Pa, how can you talk like that" do you like the way everyone is walking on eggshells around them?

"No, but that doesn't mean they'll départ right? You clearly know how strong their love for each other is.

"That's true, they won't départ, at least not in this life time"

"That's right, so don't cry anymore okay?

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't ask them for a baby again" I shouted

"I just wanted a grandchild for God sake. Do you know how it feels like living with the taught that I wont have a teerapanyakul blood anymore. But the moment I found out Porsche is a bearer, I was over the moon . I taught this was my chance to have a grandchild and free myself of guilt over the kittisawad family.

"That's true", I sighed. "I miss Mom" I said looking at my pa.

"Hmm, I miss her too" , he said looking up at the sky and I sighed staring at my lonely dad.

Ring !!! Ring!!! Ring !!!

I looked at the screen with frustration written all over my face as I recognized who was calling but I choose to ignore it

"Are you not going to pick it up?

"I have no intention to " I said looking away

"What did he do this time?

"What who?" I asked pretending

"Top of course, he's been hitting on you for a while hasn't he?

"What? hitting? I don't understand you pa"

"Are you just going to ignore his feelings like this?it's been almost two years he was appointed as the head doctor here and since then he has been hitting on you . He would come with the excuse of checking on me but I knew it was a lie. At first, I taught it was a bodyguard, but then slowly I realized it was you and I was over the moon. I was hoping you'd feel the same so I don't have to worry about how lonely you are 

" Who said I was lonely?

"Wasn't that why you'd always have arm and pol beside you and always go around disturbing everybody?

I sighed as soon as I heard that

"Then pa,you too find someone for yourself and stop thinking or blaming yourself about the past.How can i leave you when I'm the only one you have.your sons already forgot about you so stop pushing me your last hope away.
     "But I'm already happy like that,seeing all of you been so happy is already a blessing to Khun please,do what your hearth wishes to do,at least once so pa,can feel okay.
I sighed listening to my dad,my dad could look distant in the face but actually, he's the one who understands his children the most.

"Alright then, since you've said so" , and he nodded. I stood up to bid him bye but he called me back.


"Yes pa", I said looking back

" I really should thank Porsche"

"For what"

"Changing you into this great person"

I smiled and looked down at myself. Yes I really have become another person. Porsche had let me visit a therapist and had change my mode of dressing. Although he couldn't change my color and my talkative person, I smiled once more as I opened the door to leave but if only I had turn my back a little bit, just a little bit, I would have seen my dad holding out an handkerchief to wipe his blood dripping nose.


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