Movies, Popcorn & Realizations

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Ep 7 - The Bite
Thursday, July 4th, 1985
Steve's POV

I stumbled behind Caytlinn. She was gripping my hand tightly not letting go. Matthew was walking close by her as we were running to wherever we were running. He was a good kid.

"Over here. Caytlinn, get the keys," Dustin said, as he pulled everyone to a stop. Caytlinn let go of my hand and I titled my head at her before Robin leaned against me. "Get in the back. Now,"

"The back? What's the back?" Robin asked, raising her voice.

"Back. Now," Dustin snapped, checking around the corner, before motioning us to a cart. He walked around the side of the cart, before Matthew pushed both Robin and I to the back.

He opened the doors to whatever the back was to the cart and harshly shoved us inside. Dustin was the one to shut the doors but I could see the glare happen between Matthew and Dustin.

"Come on! You're slowly us down!" Caytlinn shouted.

Dustin rounded the cart one side and Matthew rounded the other. They all climbed into bench ahead of the back of the cart. To my surprise Caytlinn was in the driver's seat.

And she was driving fast. Guess my lessons paid off sort of. Maybe. I was being thrown against the side. She wasn't the best driver...ever. "Shit man! Slow down!" I slurred, positioning myself in a better position.

"Yeah, what is this, like the Indy 500?" Robin asked.

"It's the Indy 300," I corrected, rolling my eyes. Everything was passing so fast and it was all so blurry.

"No, dingus, it's 500!" Robin snapped.

"It's 300!" I shot back holding three fingers up.

"Let's say a million!" Robin laughed, making me laugh.

We were laughing when the cart crashed into something. We were both thrown against the cart walls and groaned. "Come on Caytlinn! Really...?"

"You guys all right back there?" Dustin asked.

I rubbed my head in pain before the back doors swung open. Dustin, Erica, Matthew and Caytlinn were standing there, looking impatient. Guess we traveled a long distance very fast.

"Come on. We gotta go, now!"

"Come on! Get out!"

"Chop chop!"

"Let's go!"

Caytlinn grabbed my ankle and jerked me out. They were clapping and yelling at us to get a move on for some reason.

"We're coming!" I slurred before laughing a little bit. I raised my eyebrows when I noticed we were standing in front of the elevator.

"Here goes nothing," Dustin said, sticking the key card into something. The elevator door opened, and Dustin ushered us in, a bit harshly.

"Alexandra?!" I groaned, leaning against the wall.


"Caytlinn! My sister!"

"What Steve? What?" Caytlinn asked. She was annoyed at something. She was being mean.

"You're being mean," I grumbled.

The elevator began going up, and I fell backward onto a moving box cart and Robin grabbed onto the handle. I stood up and began laughing and then the thought crossed my mind.

"Hey! You look like you're surfing!" Robin laughed.

"Surfing! Yeah!"

Caytlinn's POV

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