3.The Journey

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**Alpha Damon's POV**

As Hanna stormed out of the lounge, her frustration palpable, I leaned back in my chair, taking a deep breath to calm the tension that had built up. I instructed the remaining members of the council to head to bed. I had known Hanna and Zara since their birth; they were the most loyal and kind-hearted females I had ever encountered. Despite her anger, I trusted that Hanna would eventually understand the necessity behind my decision.

I knew firsthand the pain of not having a mate. For fifty years, I had endured the gnawing emptiness of solitude, an affliction that no amount of time could truly alleviate. The absence of a mate wasn't merely a personal hardship; it was a deep-seated suffering that eroded one's very essence, even if it remained hidden behind a facade of normalcy.

A chuckle escaped me as I recalled how Hanna and Zara had once tried to deceive me. Zara had gone so far as to attempt to seduce me to prevent sending Hanna to a mating ball. It had been a clever ruse, one that I eventually came to appreciate as part of their protective instincts. With a smile, I stood up, preparing for a long day ahead. The drive to The High Castle would be arduous, and a good night's sleep was imperative.

As I walked toward the bedroom, I could hear Zara's muffled giggles. It was clear she had been listening to my conversation with Hanna. I was grateful for her support and knew she wouldn't have pestered me about Hanna's departure. Her loyalty and understanding were constants in my life, much like the strength of our bond as a pack.

I leaned over and kissed Zara goodnight, pulling her close. The warmth of her presence was a comforting contrast to the chill of the night.


**Hanna's POV**

The blaring sound of the alarm at five o'clock in the morning dragged Hanna from her restless sleep. The night had been long and fitful, fraught with anxiety about the impending trip. After a quick shower, she dressed in comfortable leggings, a navy blue turtleneck, and white sneakers, her messy bun adding a casual touch. She avoided heavy makeup, opting instead for a light application of nude lipstick. The reflection in the mirror revealed the dark shadows beneath her deep brown eyes, a stark reminder of her ongoing struggle with sleepless nights and missed meals.

Her habits of skipping meals and pushing herself too hard had taken a toll, and the sight of herself in the mirror reinforced Zara's concern. Zana, her wolf, mirrored her displeasure.

"She was absolutely right," Zana agreed, her voice tinged with frustration.

Hanna shook her head at her wolf's comments but felt a pang of guilt for the neglect she'd shown her own well-being. With her travel bag in tow, she ventured out of her room, finding Mr. and Mrs. Donovan already awake. Mrs. Donovan was busy making pancakes and baking pastries, while Mr. Donovan, as usual, was engrossed in a pack-related issue.

"Good morning, Mom and Dad," Hanna greeted them, her heart warming at the sight of their familiar, caring presence.

Mrs. Donovan looked up with a bright smile. "Zara mentioned you're heading to The High Castle. I wanted to make you a special breakfast before you leave."

Mr. Donovan's playful grin cut in, "And remind you to find a mate while you're at it."

"Oh, please," Mrs. Donovan shot back, giving Mr. Donovan a disapproving look as she pulled pastries from the oven.

Hanna couldn't help but chuckle at their familiar banter. She enjoyed the comforting routine of their interactions, a stark contrast to the uncertainty of the journey ahead. She savored the pancakes, cinnamon rolls, and chocolate cupcakes while explaining the significance of the trip to her parents.

After a heartfelt goodbye, Hanna felt a surge of relief when she saw Zara waiting for her.

"I'm so glad you're coming with me," Hanna whispered in Zara's ear.

"Ahem, I can hear you, you know," Alpha Damon's teasing voice interrupted, causing Hanna to huff and Zana to roll her eyes in response.

"Are you ready to go, Hanna?" Alpha Damon asked, holding the SUV's door open. His expression was taut, a sign of the thoughts churning in his mind.

"Yeah, Alpha, I'm ready," Hanna replied, noticing his clenched grip on the steering wheel. His agitation was evident, and as a writer accustomed to observing people, she could sense the undercurrent of his emotions.

"Hanna, stop psychoanalyzing me," Alpha Damon growled, his tone firm but not unkind. Zara and Hanna shared a smirk, knowing the ride was bound to be eventful.

As they began their seven-hour journey, Hanna and Zara passed the time by reminiscing about their childhood. Exhaustion soon took its toll, and they both drifted into sleep. When Alpha Damon finally announced their arrival, Hanna's weariness was palpable. The journey had left her muscles aching, and her wolf's restless energy made her mood irritable.

Zara's laughter echoed as she attempted to rouse Hanna from her slumber. With a groan, Hanna stumbled out of the SUV, her legs numb from the prolonged sitting. The sight of The High Castle, towering and majestic, was overwhelming.

A group of guards directed them to rest, and Zara guided Hanna to a luxurious guest room. The opulence of the room-a sophisticated cream and navy blue theme-offered a stark contrast to the harshness of their journey. Hanna was quickly enveloped in sleep, her exhaustion too profound to resist.

When she finally awoke, the grandeur of the room was disorienting. A beautiful chandelier sparkled above, and Hanna's first thought was one of confusion.

'Where am I?' she wondered.

'In The High Castle, you idiot,' Zana replied, sounding exasperated. 'Get up! It's nearly afternoon, and I'm starving.'

Hanna's groggy state was interrupted by Zana's relentless nagging. She shook off the last remnants of sleep and noticed her bag was missing. Just then, Zara knocked at the door.

"Finally, the log is awake," Zara teased, her eyebrows wiggling in amusement.

Hanna grumbled in response. "Don't ask."

"Oh, I'm serious," Zara said, her tone playful yet insistent. "I might start taking you on long trips just to get you to sleep properly."

"It was my first long journey," Hanna defended, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, fine. I'm here to take you for afternoon tea with the king. So get moving," Zara said, cutting to the point.

"But my clothes-where's my luggage?" Hanna inquired, feeling overwhelmed.

"It's in the cupboard. Zonia took care of it," Zara explained, heading for the door.

Hanna sighed in relief and opened the cupboard, discovering a stunning golden silk dress she didn't remember packing. Zara, ever the fashionista, took charge and practically pushed her into the bathroom.

The bathroom's elegance, with its cream-colored décor and generous assortment of body washes, was a welcome touch. Hanna chose an almond-scented wash and began her shower. As she scrubbed her back, she noticed a new sensitivity on her skin and the elongation of her canines, an unsettling development.

Shaking off her concerns, she dried off and prepared for the day ahead. The opulence of The High Castle and the looming meeting with the king were daunting, but Hanna resolved to face them with the same strength she had shown throughout her life.

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