Choi Seungcheol

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Imagine him as your first love

It starts back in highschool, where me and him, or S.Coups, first crossed paths. He was that reliable, charismatic guy who everyone liked, but he had an extra soft spot for me. I didn't even realize how special our bond was at first, just two friends who gravitated toward each other.

The First Glimpse of Love
One evening, we were both studying together in the library, sharing snacks and quiet laughs. I caught him staring at me when I'm not looking, but when our eyes met, he gave me that signature, heart-melting smile. There was something about the way he looked at me that was different. I felt a flutter in my chest-was this love? At that moment, everything shifted.

First Confession
Seungcheol finally gathered the courage to confess one late autumn afternoon, under a tree where we two would always hang out.
The leaves were falling, and there was a gentle breeze in the air.
He was nervous, fidgeting with his sleeves, and his usually confident demeanor was replaced with a vulnerable, almost shy version of himself.
" I don't know how to say this," He began, looking down. Them, with all his sincerity, He continued, "But I think I've been falling for you for a while now. You're my first love, and I didn't even realize it until recently."

His words left me speechless, but the feeling was mutual. I admitted that I felt the same way. The day, under the golden sunset, we both shared our first kiss, making it a memory that neither of us would ever forget.

Growing Together
As time went by, our relationship flourished. Seungcheol was protective but also sweet and gentle. He was always there to support your dreams, cheering you on at every step. Whether it was studying for exams, navigating school events, or dealing with the stresses of teenage life, he made everything feel more bearable just by being there.

He would leave cute notes on my locker and walk me home after school, holding my hand with a warm smile on his face. Late-night phone calls turned into deep conversations about our future, our dreams, and how I wanted to stay in each other's lives for as long as possible.

First Heartbreak and Reunion
As life tends to happen, circumstances led to the both of us drifting apart after highschool. We both went to different universities, and life got busy. Despite my best efforts to stay in touch, the distance became too much. The breakup was heartbreaking, but it wasn't because we stopped loving each other- it was simply life pulling us in different directions.

Years passed, and I thought the chapter with Seungcheol had closed for good. But then, one fateful day, I ran into him again at a mutual's friend event. It was like stood still when your eyes across the room. His eyes still held that same warmth, and without even saying a word, we both knew that the feelings never really went away.

The Second Confession
After catching up, He didn't waste any time. He took my hand, led me away from the crowd, and in that familiar, sincere tone, he confessed." I never stopped loving you. I've been waiting for the right moment to tell you, and now that you're here, I don't want to waste any more time."

This time, neither of us hesitated, With everything we had gone through and the growth we both experienced, I knew I was ready to pick up where I left off. It felt like destiny had brought us back together.

Engagement and Forever
The love I shared with him grew even deeper as we rekindled our relationship. Not long after, he proposed, in his signature thoughtful way.
It was in the same park, under the same tree where we shared our first kiss, and surrounded by autumn leaves.

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