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LeeTech Dynamics

Wow, just the thought of meeting the CEO

I had no idea what he looked like, he seems to attend a Prada event soon

Talk about successful

He could be an old man for all I know, not like that really matters

I scrolled through their website, reading the CEO name


Lee.H? Interesting, seems familiar too

I entered the phone number on my phone, then ringing it

" Hello? You are speaking to the assistant of LeeTech Dynamics" his voice said, I was confused

Usually the secretary answers the phone, but I guess not for them

" I'm the secretary for Seok Innovate, I was wondering if I could have an interview with-"

" Oh right, you have the interview next week at 11am. See you then!" he said as he hung up

Woah that was interesting, there's no way the CEO actually was interested by the email sent from my boss

Unless he was

I don't know, maybe he just wants more popularity for his own company

I yawned, charging my phone and having the best sleep of my life

To make it better, this week was my break

Talk about perfect timing for my schedule

Once I woke up, I hung out with Juyeon and surprisingly Sunghoon

" So, you wanted to tell me something?" I said, swallowing my food properly

" We're.. dating " Sunghoon said, I nodded calmly

" About time you did, you gave such obvious signs " I said, whilst they were taken aback

" You aren't even just a little shocked?" Juyeon asked, I shook my head

" I expected it ever since you took a million photos together on your graduation " I said, them laughing in return

" Should've told me to confess before" Juyeon said to me, giving a glare

" So it's suddenly my fault? You've been neighbours your whole life, you would've been able to confess at every given moment" I said, protecting myself

" Please don't take her seriously, she's stressed out because of it highschool reunion " Sunghoon said

" It's in June though, it's currently February " I said, she gave a nod

" 5 months is barely any time. Us the juniors and seniors will be there " Juyeon said as she groaned, slouching her head on her hands.

" Seniors weren't that bad, it's just gonna be a lot of people though. Just imagine, 2 whole class years for a reunion is crazy " I said, them agreeing

" We were supposed to have our years separate, but since there's construction during next year, they put both our reunions at the same time" Sunghoon spoke

" Wait, juniors on second floor, seniors on third floor and the meetup is at the bottom floor " Juyeon read from her phone

" Are they for our homerooms though?" I asked, her shaking her head

" Our homerooms are on 5th floor, seniors on 6th floor and meetup at the 4th floor" she scrolled down, reading more information

" Damn, so we can only meet half our year and half the senior year?" Sunghoon said, Juyeon hitting his head

" Just go to the other meetup then " she said, him realising and apologising

" Does it really matter though? All our senior friends will be on the 6th floor" I spoke

" As in Heeseung and his friends?" Juyeon brought Sunghoon back to reality

" My friends too, also Heeseung is quite busy lately. He doesn't really update me whilst he's at work" Sunghoon said as I gave him a glare

" I don't blame him because you don't update me either" I said in a hiss like tone, Sunghoon apologising again

" Well, see you soon then" I said, paying for their bill

" Well, see you soon then" I said, paying for their bill

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