PART 26 : Nudes

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Yuva's POV

Twisting the knob, the door flung opened, displaying my mother's worried figure. Her eyebrows calmed a little on perceiving me.

"Why weren't you opening the door?" She snapped quickly at me.

"I was just sleeping" I answered pretending to yawn. My hairs were already messed up because of the thing Prerit just did to me.

"You scared the hell out of me" A chortle left my mouth on hearing  her words. She was behaving like a mother of a 5 year old kid.

"What was the thing, mom?"I questioned, waiting for her to reply but it seemed like she was trying her best to remember the thing.

"Well, because of you I have forgotten" My ears were completely shocked as soon as her words travelled into them. Like how was it my fault?

"Earth would just simply end on the day when you will accept your mistake" I winked sarcastically at her, my hands crossed against my chest. I knew that I ate with that statement of mine.

"True, hahaha" Her sarcastic laugh flowed into the room effortlessly adding onto my sarcasm.

She was such a vibe.

She turned herself to leave but was interrupted by me when I said with an alarming voice, "Do not disturb me when you will remember the thing."

Her eyes glared at me, drilling holes into me before responding, "Disturb you ? Same like when I used to sit on the dinning table to finally have my food and you would just shit on yourself". My mouth just got glued with that winning statement of hers.

I gave her a 'damn' look with a thumb up before her figure faded away from my sight. Closing the door behind me, I signalled Prerit to come outside.

"Seems like your mouth just works infront of me" He stated as soon as he got outside. Such a rude bitch he was. Well, he was trying his best to control his laugh.

"It can work on you too" I blurted out quickly. "You see my teeth, well they do bite tho" Widing my mouth, giving him a good look of the vampire teeth on both sides, I uttered sarcastically.

His grin grew longer, "I am scared they might hurt tho" my eyebrows thinned upon hearing his statement.
"Running your brain on the other side? Yeah I meant it" He whispered playfully into my ear , standing just few inches away from me. His cologne was driving me nuts.

"Prerit, step aside. You are smelling" I put my two fingers on my nostrils, applying a little pressure to appear like I couldn't stand his body odour. Even though he was smelling like vanilla.

"Smelling like yours, baby?" His voice calm yet seductive, travelled into my ear shocking my every nerve. His charming face relaxed once perceiving me in a stunned state. I couldn't help but lower my gaze , his clean shoe sparkled before my eyes.

"Prerit, you entered my room with your shoes on" I exclaimed, my eyes widened looking at them. They were clean but not as much as to certify them appropriate to be entered with.

"Yeahhh" He stretched his words, gazing confusingly at me. His black eyes looked so mesmerizing but I had to focus on something more important.

"How could you?" I questioned, waiting patiently for him to respond but instead he kept quiet.

Prerit's POV

My mouth was zipped not because I was ashamed of entering the room with my shoes on, well partially I was. But along with my mouth, my brain was also zipped. It wasn't processing anything. However, it wasn't also the problem.

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