one. (loner)

275 15 2

☀️ Sunoo's POV

I was walking down the hallway of our school, the sun barely peeking through the windows, but the day already felt bright.

"Good morning!" I greeted everyone with a smile-classmates, teachers, even the janitor sweeping the floor. It felt nice to spread a little warmth so early in the day. I stopped by the bulletin board out of habit, scanning it quickly. The same old notices-cheering squad still looking for members, student council recruiting too. Nothing new, nothing exciting. I sighed softly but kept my smile as I continued down the hall.

Kind of wished I'm as active as them when it comes to school clubs.

When I reached the door to our classroom, I peeked inside, curious to see who was already there. The room was nearly full, my classmates buzzing with morning energy. I stepped inside, greeted by the familiar sounds and faces.

"Hey, have you guys done your homework? Gosh, number 3 was hard!" I blurted out, heading straight for my desk.

Jungwon looked up from his seat and grinned, "I know, right? I struggled with that one too!" I dropped my bag beside my chair and plopped down next to him.

"It's still early," Jungwon said, leaning closer. "Do you want to grab a bite with me outside?"

I shook my head, pouting a little. "Nah, too lazy for that." The idea of walking all the way to the cafeteria this early didn't appeal to me at all.

Jungwon chuckled, "You're always lazy." He reached into his bag and pulled out something yellow, holding it up in front of me. It was a pen with a small sun figure on top. "I saw this pen at the gift shop earlier. Thought you would like it, so I bought it for you."

My eyes widened with delight. "Oh my gosh, it's so cute!" I took the pen from him, admiring the tiny sun that twirled when I spun it between my fingers. Carefully, I placed it in my pencil case, making sure it was in a safe spot. "Thank you, Jungwon! I love it."

"No problem," he said with a lazy smile. "I'm just gonna take a nap. Wake me up if our homeroom teacher comes."

"I got you, Wonnie," I replied softly, watching as he rested his head on the desk, his eyes closing almost instantly. It made me smile, knowing he trusted me to look out for him.

I glanced around the classroom, taking in the familiar sights. Half the seats at the back were empty, probably because some of our classmates were still on their way. My eyes drifted to the other side of the room, where Heeseung was sitting alone, as always.

He was leaning back in his chair, headphones on, and his head resting against the wall. He looked like he had just woken up, his posture still a little slouched, but there was something almost... peaceful about him in that moment.

Seeing Heeseung this early brought a strange kind of warmth to my chest. I couldn't help but smile. I knew everyone else found him intimidating, but to me, he was just... different.

Sure, he was nothing like me-where I was bright, he was dark, where I was soft, he was sharp.

But there was something about him that drew me in. Maybe it was how he didn't care what others thought, or maybe it was just the way he looked, with those deep eyes and that perfect, unruly hair. Whatever it was, it made my heart race a little faster whenever I saw him.

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