thirteen. (?)

114 6 1

☀️ Sunoo's POV

The next day felt calm. I had gotten a good night’s sleep, something that didn’t happen too often lately. Strolling around the school grounds, I breathed in the cool air, letting it fill my chest. There were no classes today—just another teachers' program, so the students were free to wander, go back to their dorms, or head out for the day. It was peaceful, like the whole school was exhaling.

I found a bench under a tree, its shade casting soft patches of sunlight around me. I sat down, closing my eyes for a moment before looking around the nearly empty campus. That’s when I saw him.

Heeseung was walking, his steps quiet, almost too purposeful. I frowned as my eyes caught on his outfit—black shoes, black trousers, a black hoodie, and those black headphones covering his ears again. I thought we were past this. The other day, he seemed lighter, like he was ready to let some color back into his life. But here he was, cloaked in the same darkness that always followed him.

I sighed and shook my head. Heeseung should wear whatever he wants, It’s his life.

But a small part of me couldn’t help but wish he’d choose something brighter, just once, for his own sake. Maybe I was overthinking it. Maybe I was hoping for too much.

A small smile formed on my lips as I stood up, ready to approach him. I took a step forward, but something made me pause. Heeseung had stopped walking. His eyes locked with mine, and there was no warmth there. No smile, no softness. Just emptiness.

I blinked, my heart dropping in my chest as he shook his head gently, almost like he was warning me not to come closer. It wasn’t harsh, but it hurt. It was as if he was saying without words,

Stay away.

No, stay away.

I froze, my mind spinning as he turned and walked away. No explanation. No conversation. He just left. I bit my lower lip, the sting of rejection making my heart ache. Why is he like this? I thought, my feet were glued to the ground.

What changed?

I wanted to run after him, to ask him what was going on. But I didn’t. I just stood there, watching him disappear, the questions piling up inside me.

What happened to him?

What did I do wrong?

The world felt a little colder in that moment. I sat back down on the bench, trying to collect my thoughts.

Lunch time felt lonelier than usual. I sat at a cafeteria table by myself, watching as everyone else chatted and laughed with their friends. Jungwon was caught up with his club, and as for Heeseung... I hadn't heard from him at all. No messages, no calls. I tried to ignore the sinking feeling in my chest, but it was hard. I picked at my food, not really hungry, debating whether I should order something more filling. That’s when I saw him.

Heeseung was leaving the cafeteria, walking quickly towards the door. My heart raced as I shot up from my seat, rushing after him before he could get too far. I grabbed his arm, holding him tight. "Babe..." I called softly, almost breathlessly. He stopped, but I could hear the sigh that escaped him.

I bit my lip and gently slipped his headphones down to his neck, hoping to get his full attention. He didn’t say anything, just grabbed my wrist and led me to a quieter corner, away from the crowd. He moved quickly, but his touch was gentle as he pressed me against the wall, his hands pinning me softly, his face unreadable.

"What's going on?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "You're ignoring me..."

Heeseung's eyes flickered with something I couldn’t quite place, and he looked away for a moment before answering, "I’m... I’m sorry, baby. It’s... everything’s been a mess lately. I’m just... fixing something."

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