eleven. (change)

147 4 1

☀️ Sunoo's POV

The next day, Jungwon and I were sitting in the back of the classroom, talking in hushed but excited tones. He was dramatically waving his hands around, clearly upset about something.

"I swear, I hate her so much. Like, where does she even get off acting like that?" Jungwon exclaimed, his voice thick with irritation.

I chuckled, watching his animated expressions. "Who even? What did she do this time?"

"Her!" he groaned, rolling his eyes. "She keeps acting like she's better than everyone else, strutting around like she owns the place. And don't even get me started on how fake she is. Ugh! It drives me crazy."

I nodded, leaning back in my chair, letting him vent. "I get it. But seriously, you're wasting too much energy thinking about her."

Jungwon wasn't convinced. "I'm not wasting anything. I just can't stand how she pretends to be all sweet in front of the teachers, and then turns into a completely different person when they're not looking. Like, girl, get a grip!"

I laughed, shaking my head. "You're so dramatic, Jungwon."

He crossed his arms, pouting a little. "You'd be dramatic too if you had to deal with her daily. She's literally the worst."

Suddenly, the classroom grew louder, a small wave of chatter and gasps rising from our classmates. My attention drifted toward the door, where everyone seemed to be staring. That's when I saw him—Heeseung. But something was different today. He wasn't wearing his usual black hoodie; instead, he had on a green one, paired with black trousers. It was simple, but somehow, it made him stand out even more.

And then I saw the small yellow sun sticker I had given him yesterday. It was now proudly stuck in his headphones. The sight made my heart skip a beat.

Heeseung glanced in my direction, and when our eyes met, he smiled. A warm, soft smile, the kind that made my insides flutter. He waved casually as if this was something we did every day.

Jungwon let out a low whistle beside me. "Woah."

I glanced at him, a knowing smile already tugging at the corners of my lips. "What?"

"He looks really good like this. Way better than his usual all-black get-up," Jungwon mused, still watching Heeseung. "Honestly, he fits you better this way, Sunoo. I'm just saying."

I felt a small rush of heat rise to my cheeks. I didn't need Jungwon to tell me how attractive Heeseung looked today. I could see it—and so could everyone else, apparently. The whispers around the classroom were growing louder, but I didn't care. I stood up, ignoring the stares and whispers, and walked over to where Heeseung was sitting, his usual seat near the window.

He was already seated, one leg crossed over the other, completely relaxed. I stopped beside him, and he looked up at me, eyes soft and affectionate.

"You look good today, mister," I said sarcastically, trying to keep my tone light, even though I couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

Heeseung's lips curled into a small smirk, and without missing a beat, he greeted me with, "Good morning, baby."

The classroom fell silent. I heard gasps, and felt the eyes of our classmates boring into us. I rolled my eyes, unimpressed by their reactions. As if they didn't already know we were dating. The whispers and stares were unnecessary.

"Really?" I muttered under my breath, my voice just low enough for Heeseung to hear. "It's not like we've been hiding it."

He chuckled softly, reaching up to take my hand, his thumb gently rubbing circles against my skin. "They'll get used to it."

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