Chapter 4

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Tan Pov

After dropping Peem at Phum's Car, Me and Fang went on road to wait for cab

"There are no cabs passing by." Fang said more interested in finding the taxi.

"We'll find one soon, I don't mind waiting long." I replied in little flirty tone but Fang clearly ignore me.

"By the way, What is your friend like?" Fang asked

"Friend?" I asked confused. Which friend he is talking about either he want to know more about me or just casual.

"Yes, Your friend named Peem." Fang clarified. I was bit of confused why he want to know about Peem.

"He is quite an easygoing person. He accompanied me whenever I ask him to. He does whatever I asked. He really loves his friends." I replied, Not leaving a single chance to praise Peem. 

"How long have you known him?" Fang asked.

"That was since high school. But why did you ask?" I replied. I was bit of confused why Fang wants to know about Peem, He doesn't care much of people. And he just met him once, What made him ask so many question about him.

"Nothing much. I was just curious." Fang replied. I think there must be more behind his curiosity but i just brush my thought wants to focus on Fang rather than others.

"Aren't you curious about me too?" I asked in little flirty tone.

He looked at me before he could reply for my question, Fang saw cab and Call it. Even though he didn't reply my question but I didn't miss a small smile formed in his face once I asked that question. The smile is not mocking nor its funny, It's his genuine smile which says lot more words than what he speaks.

Entire ride was mostly silent, there were some glances we both share. I tried to stay close to him as I can but I make sure he is comfortable with it. 

I may be look like a nosy/irritating person to lot of people but I always make sure that I never cross my limits with anyone. I never want people to be uncomfortable around me.



Next Day

I live alone at my condo so my normal routine is to wake up, get ready, make lunch and went to university. If any day there is deadline or I slept through alarm so I just skip breakfast and went to university. It's not new for students who live alone. I sometime miss Grand Ma, If she can live with me at least I don't have to worry about food, But she can't live with me, She likes to stay at her hometown. It remind her of Grand Pha, Pha and her youth age. I know If I called her and say I missed her, she will leave everything and come here to live with me, but I can't snatch her happiness because of my selfishness. Although She always say i am not selfish, or she would love to stay here just to spend time with me but somewhere I know she won't find bad traits in me as she is my family and she loves me. She will never complaint about anything because she love me. But I can't stop thinking about how my one call can disturb her lifestyle.

Enough Today is not grandma's day, Today is different as I wake up to make Lunch not only for me but for Fang as well, By our last interaction I feel may be Fang also feels something for me even if it 1% and I should try harder to pursue him. 

After Last night, I feel Fang is a treasure which I want to cherish my whole life. 

I prepared lunch and went to university, After reaching I find Phum and other's at cafeteria so I approach them.

"Hello, my friend." I said in my cheerful voice as I reach them. "Take this." I pass lunch bag to Phum.

"What is this?" He asked confused.

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