Part 3: Unspoken Words

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It had been a few days since Dishita asked Abhinav if something was wrong, but the question still lingered in his mind. Every time they spoke, it felt like there was an invisible wall between them—a barrier that neither of them acknowledged.

Abhinav sat in the school cafeteria, staring blankly at his lunch tray. Across the table, Khusi nudged him with her elbow. "You’ve been quiet lately. What’s up?"

He looked at her and smiled weakly. "It’s nothing. Just tired, I guess."

"Don’t lie to me, Abhi," Khusi said, narrowing her eyes. "It’s about Dishita, isn’t it?"

Abhinav felt his stomach twist. Khusi had always been able to see through him, like a sister who knew him better than anyone. He nodded, letting out a sigh. "I’m stuck, Khusi. I’ve been in love with her for so long, but I can’t tell her. And now, I feel like things are changing, like she’s pulling away from me."

Khusi leaned back in her chair, thinking for a moment before speaking. "I won’t lie to you—waiting around isn’t going to help. You need to be honest with her before it’s too late. If she doesn’t feel the same, you deserve to know and move on. But if there’s even a tiny chance... it’s worth the risk."

Abhinav glanced over at the table where Dishita, Aditya, Aditi, and Kaira were laughing together. Dishita looked so carefree, like she didn’t have a clue about the storm brewing inside him.

"You’re right," he said quietly. "But I just don’t know how to bring it up without ruining everything."

Before Khusi could respond, Kabir approached the table and plopped down next to Abhinav. "What’s with the long face, dude?" he asked, biting into an apple. "You’ve been in your own world lately."

Abhinav forced a smile. "Just thinking about stuff."

Kabir gave him a knowing look. "Ah, the Dishita problem. Look, man, if you don’t tell her soon, someone else will swoop in. Trust me, girls like her don’t stay single forever."

Those words struck a chord in Abhinav’s heart. Someone else? Could it be possible that Dishita was already seeing someone? He hadn’t noticed her acting differently with any guys, but the thought gnawed at him.

As the lunch bell rang, Abhinav stood up, his mind racing. He needed to know if there was someone else in Dishita’s life. But how could he ask her without sounding jealous or possessive?

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