Part 12: The Weight of Uncertainty

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Dishita sat by her window that evening, the city lights flickering in the distance, casting a soft glow in her room. The past few weeks had been a whirlwind of missed meetings and unresolved emotions. She couldn’t help but think about the way things kept getting postponed with Rohan. Life seemed to be throwing obstacle after obstacle in their way, as though the universe was trying to tell her something she wasn’t ready to hear.

Rohan was patient, always understanding, but Dishita felt herself growing distant. With each rescheduled meeting, she found more time to think, to reflect on her future, and to question if Rohan was really the one for her. Their conversations felt mechanical at times, more about logistics than connection, and the more they tried to meet, the more the tension between them grew.

Her thoughts wandered to Abhinav, as they often did. They hadn’t spoken in a while, but she could feel his presence lingering in her life, even from miles away. She wondered how he was doing in his new city. Despite the distance, a part of her missed him—missed their easy conversations, the way he always seemed to understand her without needing to say much.

She opened her phone and scrolled through her messages with Rohan. His last one was still there, promising to meet soon. But as she looked at it now, it felt like an empty promise, a routine they had fallen into without realizing it.

Before she could think too much, her phone buzzed. It was Khusi.

“Hey, Dishita! Are you free tonight? Let’s meet up, it’s been a while.”

Dishita smiled at the suddenness of the message. Khusi had a way of pulling her out of her thoughts and into the present moment. “Sure, I’m free. Where do you want to meet?”

“How about that café we used to go to with the gang? I’ll send you the address.”

As Dishita got ready to meet Khusi, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. A break from the endless circle of thoughts, from her confusion with Rohan, and from her self-imposed isolation.

When she arrived at the café, Khusi was already seated at a cozy table by the window, sipping on her coffee. As Dishita sat down, Khusi gave her a knowing look.

“You look like you’ve been doing a lot of thinking,” Khusi said, her voice gentle but teasing.

Dishita laughed softly. “You know me too well. I’ve just had a lot on my mind.”

“Is it Rohan? Or... someone else?” Khusi asked, raising an eyebrow.

Dishita hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. She trusted Khusi, but even she hadn’t fully sorted out her feelings yet.

“It’s... everything,” Dishita finally said. “Rohan, yes. I don’t know what to make of us anymore. We keep trying to meet, but it feels like something always gets in the way. And every time it does, I feel...”

“Like maybe it’s not meant to be?” Khusi finished for her.

Dishita nodded, her eyes downcast. “I don’t know if it’s fate or if I’m just overthinking, but I’m starting to wonder if we’re really right for each other. And then there’s Abhinav...”

Khusi leaned forward, her expression serious. “What about Abhinav?”

“I don’t know,” Dishita said with a sigh. “He’s been in the back of my mind ever since he left. We never really talked about what he was feeling, but I could tell there was something unspoken between us. And now that he’s gone, I feel this... void. Like there’s something missing.”

Khusi studied her for a moment, then spoke softly. “You know, I’ve always thought that Abhinav had feelings for you, Dishita. But he never said anything because he didn’t want to ruin what you two had. Maybe that’s why you feel the way you do now. Because part of you knows that too.”

Dishita’s heart skipped a beat. She had always suspected it, but hearing it from Khusi made it feel real in a way it hadn’t before.

“I don’t know what to do, Khusi,” Dishita admitted, her voice quiet. “Rohan’s been nothing but kind and understanding, but...”

“But your heart isn’t fully in it,” Khusi finished. “And maybe it’s time to be honest about that.”

As the conversation continued, Dishita felt a weight lifting from her shoulders. It wasn’t easy to face her conflicting emotions, but talking to Khusi helped her see things more clearly. She needed to take control of her own life, to stop letting things happen around her without making a decision.

Meanwhile, in his new city, Abhinav was also reflecting on his choices. His life had taken a different turn since moving away, but thoughts of Dishita were never far from his mind. He had hoped that distance would help him move on, but instead, it had made him realize how deeply he cared for her.

Late that night, as Dishita lay in bed, she made a decision. She would meet Rohan one last time, but not to continue the relationship. She needed to be honest with herself—and with him. It wasn’t fair to either of them to keep going if her heart wasn’t fully in it.

She picked up her phone and sent a message to Rohan: “Can we talk tomorrow? I think we need to have an important conversation.”

As she pressed send, Dishita felt a sense of calm wash over her. It wasn’t the end—just a new beginning, one where she could finally be true to herself.


**End of Part 12**

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