Part 7: The Hidden Truth

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The following week, Abhinav’s sense of unease only grew. Dishita’s behavior remained erratic, and despite his best efforts, she continued to keep her distance. He tried to focus on school and his friends, but the nagging worry about Dishita’s mysterious new acquaintance wouldn’t leave his mind.

One afternoon, as Abhinav was heading home from school, he saw Dishita standing at the bus stop. She was talking to a boy he didn’t recognize—tall, with an air of casual confidence. Abhinav’s heart raced as he watched from a distance. The way Dishita laughed and the ease in their conversation made him feel like an intruder in a private moment.

Abhinav wanted to approach them, to demand answers, but he stopped himself. It wasn’t his place to confront her in public, especially not without understanding the full situation. Instead, he decided to wait until he could talk to Dishita alone.

Later that evening, Abhinav met with Kabir at their usual hangout spot. Kabir noticed the troubled look on his friend’s face and didn’t hesitate to ask, "What’s up, Abhi? You look like you’re about to explode."

Abhinav sighed heavily. "I saw Dishita with someone today. A guy I don’t know. They looked really close, and it’s making me worry that she’s seeing someone else."

Kabir’s expression turned serious. "That’s rough, man. But remember, you’ve got to be careful. Jumping to conclusions might make things worse. If you want to find out what’s going on, maybe you should try talking to her again. Or find another way to get the truth."

Abhinav nodded, though he still felt uneasy. "I just don’t want to make things worse by pushing her too hard. But I need to know what’s happening."

As the days went by, Abhinav continued to notice subtle changes in Dishita’s behavior. She seemed more withdrawn, and her interactions with the mysterious boy became more frequent. It was clear that something was happening, but what?

On Thursday, Abhinav was at the library studying when he saw Dishita walking by with the same boy. They were talking animatedly, and Dishita’s laughter rang out across the library. It was a stark contrast to the subdued demeanor she had shown recently.

Unable to bear it any longer, Abhinav decided to confront Dishita once more. He waited until the library was nearly empty, and then approached her.

"Dishita," he began, trying to keep his voice steady, "can we talk?"

She looked up, her face showing a mix of surprise and frustration. "Abhinav, not again. What is it this time?"

"I’ve seen you with him a lot lately," he said, his voice betraying his anxiety. "I just want to know what’s going on. Are you seeing him?"

Dishita’s face fell, and she sighed deeply. "Abhinav, I told you—it’s complicated. But if you really want to know, I guess I owe you some honesty."

She paused, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "His name is Rohan. We used to be friends a long time ago, but we lost touch. Recently, we’ve reconnected, and he’s been helping me through some personal issues. That’s all it is."

Abhinav felt a mix of relief and confusion. "Personal issues? What kind of issues?"

Dishita looked pained, her eyes betraying a depth of emotion that she had been hiding. "It’s not something I want to go into detail about right now. But trust me, it’s not about you or us."

Abhinav struggled to process her words. "So, you’re not seeing him romantically?"

"No," Dishita said firmly. "We’re just friends. He’s been there for me when I needed someone to talk to, and that’s all it is."

As Dishita’s words sank in, Abhinav felt a wave of relief wash over him. Yet, there was still a nagging feeling of uncertainty. Dishita’s evasiveness and the secrecy around her personal issues left him feeling uneasy.

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