The Bite

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I was just trying to get to class, lost in my own thoughts, when I heard it, the unmistakable sound of laughter and footsteps closing in. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was, Flash Thompson and his gang, the heavy footsteps of the two hundred plus pound men filling my ears.

"Hey guys, look who it is." Flash's voice rang out, dripping with that trademark condescension. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks, not from embarrassment but from the anger and frustration that always seemed to bubble up when he was around.

"Nice shirt," he sneered, his eyes narrowing as he took in my well-worn tee. I could practically feel his gaze dissecting me, judging me from head to toe. The other guys with him snickered, I could feet my chest tighten as he grabbed my shirt, pinning me to the wall.

I tried to ignore them, keeping my gaze straight ahead, but that only made things worse. Flash shoved me lightly, just enough to make me stumble. "Where you going in such a hurry, loser?" he taunted. The push was more than just physical, it was a reminder of how powerless I felt around him. He stands about 3 inches above me, my slim build nothing compared to the star football player.

I mumbled something unintelligible, hoping if I didn't engage, they'd get bored and move on. But Flash wasn't the type to let things go. He stepped closer, his face inches from mine as his hands dig even further into my chest, my body pushed up against the wall of the nearest locker. "Come on, man. Can't take a joke?"

His breath was hot on my face, and I could see the smirk forming as he prepared for the next insult. My heart pounded in my chest, and I felt the eyes of other students on us, a mix of curiosity and indifference. I wanted to stand up for myself, to push back, but every time I tried, his presence was like a brick wall I couldn't break through.

The bell rang, signaling the start of class, and with a final shove and a loud bang, my head hits the locker. A headache immediately flares as I slump to the floor of the schools tiles. Flash and his gang moved on, their laughter trailing behind them. I sat there for a moment, trying to steady my breathing and regain my composure.

"Hey... are you okay?" A small porcelain skin hand enters my vision, looking up the arm and to the face, a gorgeous brunette woman lies. Her chocolate brown eyes gaze into my own. "I'm fine." Picking myself up, I gather my things before ultimately walking away from the girl. If she wanted to help, she would have earlier.

Stepping through the front door of the school, my eyes are invaded my the suns rays. The bright light causing me to block the shafts of the sun, slowly but surely I make my way out of the parking lot of the school and onto the street of Queens, the loud and brash city no different then the school I had just stepped out of. The roads filled with potholes, trash littered all over the city. A homeless here, homeless there.

"Help..." The old ragged man grabs my ankle, his old hand weakly wrapping around it, quickly extending my leg out of his reach and stepping out of the mans reach. I could definitely have it worse... My hands rack through my backpack, searching for my wallet, pulling out my wallet and opening it. two fives and a single. "...Thank you" The two fives drift down in the wind, before falling into his hands.

"Vote for Osborn!" A woman holds a sign reading the same words she just spoke, people pass her, some people stop to talk... It's all to much for me to understand anyway, shoving past the young lady, I can see the shitty apartments that I call home, the old raggedy ass building looking moments away from crumbling down. Entering the old, almost abandoned looking place.

"Mr. (L/N)!" An old white woman stomps towards me, angrily pointing her finger at me before getting into my face. "You are not one, not two, but THREE! months late on rent... I need at least 2 months worth in the next couple of days... Or else!" She huffs, getting out of my face before walking off somewhere behind a closed door. "Rough day huh?" A familiar voice fills my ears, one of kindness.

The 'Amazing' Spider-Man (Marvel AU x Male Reader Spider-Man)Where stories live. Discover now