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     My eyes slowly pry open, the dark alley doing nothing to hide the bright shafts of light invading my eyeballs, is this heaven? My body is slowly shaken side to side, before a shadow blocks the suns rays. That's better.

    "Are you okay man?" A feminine voice asks, a gloved red and blue hand enters my vision, looking up the glove extends into a full suit. The person in front of me clad in a blue and red suit, a webbing design sprawled across the entire thing. Spider-Girl. "I think so?" Questioning myself, my hand connects with hers before she lifts me up from the ground with ease.

    "What were you doing back here?" A good question, one I don't feel like explaining.

    "Y-Yeah... Just... looking for something." Rubbing the back of my head sheepishly. She cocks her head to one side before looking back to the front of the alley, and the back at me, looking me up and down. "You were looking for something... passed out? In the back of an alley? You're clothes look pretty messed up too." Hey eyes squint as I begin to sweat. 

    "S-something hit me on the back of the head while I was looking?" She looks me up and down before shrugging and stepping away from me, I could see a small white string shoot out of her extended hand. "Just don't do anything I wouldn't do!" She yells, launching herself upwards into the sky.

    My mind racks as I recall the events of ...last night? maybe? I'm not sure, Flash hits me with his car, beats me up, and then leaves me to die in this dark and cold alley, stepping out of the alley I could see Spider-Girl swinging away, The sun shines down onto me as I step out. People give me weird looks as I pass them, my torn up clothes surely giving me an odd aura around me. 

    My feet carry me as I walk back to my apartment, A long walk, one of confusion... How am I alive? It felt like I could feel my last breath. I swear it felt like I was dying back there... A bell rings as I open the familiar shitty run down door of my apartment building, before the land lord could run at me I very quickly sprint into the stairwell, running up the stairs faster than I ever have before, I do not want to explain to her why I don't have rent, nor where I was.

    My brain races off again, pondering how I'm even still walking as I walk up the multiple flights of steps. I'm sure Flash broke several bones in my body, my hand raises to my nose, prodding and feeling it, an image flashes in my brain, Flash's fist connecting with my face, now I know that broke something... Looking down at my arms, they look a little more toned then usual, but even they had not a scratch on them. Maybe getting beaten up and left alone in the back of a random alley for who knows how long is a secret health hack. 

    Finally reaching my door, reaching for my keys and unlock the door. "(Y/N)?" A voice asks, a very familiar voice. Looking to my left, Miss Hardy is seen at her door, walking out in a long black dress. Her green eyes shining in the fluorescent lighting of the building. "Hello." 

    "You've been out of school for 3 days... Where have you been?" 3 fucking days?! Jesus Christ...

    "I had family issues to deal with?" Miss Hardy narrows her eyes before fully exiting her door, putting a hand on her hip. "You know I know your parents are dead." Her eyes continue to narrow before it looks like they couldn't anymore. Cold sweat pours down my face as she looks me up and down, slowly I try and sneak backwards and quickly shut the door.

    Before I could close it she stuck her arm out, blocking it. "What happened?" She says, looking at me in my face, incredibly close, sighing in defeat I open the door. We both stand in the hallway as I close the door to my place. "Flash hit me with his car." Her eyes immediately shoot open, she immediately grabs my arm before looking it up and down, checking for injuries. 

The 'Amazing' Spider-Man (Marvel AU x Male Reader Spider-Man)Where stories live. Discover now