A New Spider In Town

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     "HELP!" A feminine voice screams from below, desperation clear in her voice, almost instinctually my body carries me to the voice. A girl, a redhead, surrounded by 3 very grotesque looking men. A disgusting chortle escapes one of the pigs throats. "No one is here to help you girl." One of the men pull out a knife and approach the woman.

    "Hold it Alan, don't wanna damage the goods." The now named Alan backs away, letting what I assume to be the leader stalk towards the lady.  "PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP!" The girl cries out, terrified of the thought of being alone.  This all felt so similar, group of terrible people picking on the not fortunate... My life seems to flash into my eyes, the night of the 'incident.' This is all so fucked. "We're gonna kill you, but before that were gonna r-" 

    Wind rushing past me fills my ears, my feet land down on the pavement with a large crack. The three men quickly whipping their head over at me, my hood covering any of my notable features. "Let her go."

    "Who are you?" The third one asks, raising the hem of his shirt, the handle of his gun popping out of his jeans. "Don't worry about that, just let her go and no one has to get hurt." The leader of the group begins to cackle as he walks towards me. His large stomach bouncing out of his shirt as he lifts the knife and points it at me. 

    "You're not a superhero kid, scram before I make you." He laughs, my body doesn't move an inch as I stare past the large man, the girl in the back of the alley. The redhead from earlier today in the hallway. Fuck me, the man in front of me finally starts to quiet down, instead staring at me. He stalks closer to me, his giant blubber wiggling with every step he takes. Despite his large size he quickly swings his other hand at my head.

    "You're right, I'm not a superhero." My hand catches his, he looks at me, eyes widening in shock. My hand closes down on top of his, with a sickening crunch his hand broke. He screams out in pain as he backs away from me. "W-what are you two fuckheads doing?! SHOOT HIM!" The other two men quickly pull out weapons of their own. Aiming at me and firing, dodging under the fire before spear tackling one of the men to the ground. 

    My fist connects to the mans face, over and over again. The shooting stops, probably to afraid to hit his ally. The face, or shall I say, the now very fucked up face, of the man below me coughs up blood. I could feel the strength dissipate from his body. Looking back at the other two, the other lackey widen in fear, a wet spot forming in his now stained pants. 

    "H-Holy shit man." He drops his gun, backing up before hitting the wall. The boss swings the knife wildly as he charges in my direction, extending my foot out in front of me he trips over it, catching the back of his collar before he falls, my arm extends to the lackey, the sound of my net connecting to the other mans chest is heard as I violently yank the man towards me. "D-Don't hurt me! I have a wife and ki-" My hand grabs the back of the mans neck, slamming my two arms together the two together. Their heads slam together with a violent bang. The eyes of the lackey rolls to the back his head, his body falls to the floor, lifeless.

    The boss falls to the ground once more, turning himself over and backing into the wall. "Wait wait wait wait! I can give you whatever you want!" The cries of him and the girl still in the back of the alley fill my ears, looking back at the girl, her hands in her face, blocking the tears from falling off her face. "You'll be okay." She finally looks up at me, my hoodie still covering my face. She slowly nods her head before putting it back into her hands

     "Do you think you're tough?!" The man pulls a gun from his waist, firing several rounds. Slowly walking towards the man as he pours more load into my chest. It's painful, but I could feel the holes close up as the bullets drop to the ground. His eyes continue to widen as the man tries to crawl further back into the wall. My hand firmly grabs the barrel of the gun, crushing the weapon in my hand.

The 'Amazing' Spider-Man (Marvel AU x Male Reader Spider-Man)Where stories live. Discover now