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      "Fucking loser!" The itch on the back of my skull alerts me to the thrown punch at the back of my head, quickly dodging out of the way and sticking my foot out, the large blonde football player takes a tumble to the ground, he quickly gets back up before trying to punch me again. I catch his hand in my own, he looks at me surprised before I throw my own punch, it connects with his chin as the crowd around us begins to chant. 

    "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" Jesus, are we in a cult or something, Flash's eyes snap back to mine, his face contorts in rage as he wildly swings his arms around. I get up in his face in an instant, my hand connects with his stomach as he lurches over my arm, stepping away from him as he falls to the ground gasping for air. "Leave me alone Flash, I mean it." 

    "I won't let you get away with this (L/N)!" He shouts, getting to his feet, his buddies helping him up, the sound of the bell filling the halls. The crowd disperses as we all shuffle to our classes. Miss Hardy sending me a small smirk as I enter, no doubt from how fast rumors seem to spread in this place. The bell rings for the second time, signaling the start of the class, Miss Hardy claps her hands as she stands from her desk.

    "Alright listen up!" The room immediately goes quiet, all eyes lock onto the teacher ahead of us. She steps in front of us as she continues "We all know bad guys are bad, right?" For some reason I could feel a couple of pairs of eyes shift to me.

     "Being as close as we are to New York City, hell even our own city or Brooklyn. I'm sure we've all seen at least one villain, You, and a partner of my choosing, will be picking a villain of your choice and defend their actions! Give me a backstory, a reason, whatever you come up with. You and your partner will have one week, to present your villain in front of the entire class." Groans of all types can be heard across the classroom, Miss Hardy not seeming to care about it continues with her rant.

    "I will now be telling you your partner." The chatter and groans of frustration immediately shut up.

    "Petra Parker and Gwen Stacy" An exclamation of satisfaction escapes both partners lips as I can see them fist bump out of the side of my eye. "Harry Osborn and Flash Thompson." A cry of defeat from what I only assume is Harry, an evil chuckle escaping Flash. 

    "(Y/N) (L/N) and Mary Jane Watson." The brunette from before, Petra I believe, chokes on her water, my eyes scan the room, finally landing on someone who looks just as confused, A very familiar looking red head. My eyes widen as she extends her hand.

    "(Y/N)?" She asks, god fuck me. "Yeah, Mary Jane I'm assuming?" A small smile on her lips as she nods her head. 

    "It's nice to meet you." My hand meets hers. "It's nice to meetcha! You can call me MJ." She whisper shouts, her smile seems to be contagious as my own seems to form on my face. We both turn back to the teacher as she continues to ramble off students. "And one more thing!" The teacher adds.

   "Both partners are presenting! That way no one is forced to do the whole thing by themselves." A grunt of aggression escapes Flash's mouth, her eyes stare him down as he sinks into his chair, with a chuckle she sits back down at her desk. 

    As quick as lighting MJ turns to face me, her eyes shining bright as she claps her two hands over mine, staring what seems to be right into my soul. "We are doing Spider-Man." My eyes pop out of my head, another cough from the opposite side of the room was heard, looking over at the source of noise I could see what I assume to be Gwen staring daggers at me, I wonder what her deal is?

    "I was thinking like Kingp-" She puts her hand over my mouth cutting me off. "His superpower is being fat. Not a fucking chance, we are doing Spider-Man, I don't care if he robbed the Osborn's, or killed those 3 guys. He saved my life." She removes her hand from my mouth as she saw my annoyed look, but as she finished her sentence I couldn't help but feel my face heat up.

The 'Amazing' Spider-Man (Marvel AU x Male Reader Spider-Man)Where stories live. Discover now