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     "Alright, spit it out." My hand reaches up to my mask, taking it off my face. The night and the very tall building we were on doing enough to hide my identity. I could see the two ladies share glances with each other before hesitantly reaching up for their own.

    I could feel my heartbeat faster as they slowly reached their mask, I could see the their hands grab at the mask before eventually pulling it off. Short, brown and fluffy hair unfurls from Spider-Girl as her blue eyes gaze into mine, I could feel my jaw drop as my head turns to the now unmasked Ghost-Spider, long blonde hair dropping to her neck, green eyes the color of emerald staring back. 

    My knees slightly buckle underneath my weight as I stumble to keep myself standing, the now unmasked Petra trying to help. "Stop... I got it." She raises her hands in defense before stepping back to the now unmasked Gwen. My hands point to them both, my mouth opens but no words come out, pointing both of my fingers back to me before back to them.  They both nod their head as I finally take a seat on the ground.

     "This is fucking crazy." My brain finally feels like communicating with my mouth, dragging my hand across my face before I see the two women take a seat across from me. "You're telling us." Gwen rolls her eyes. My brain still struggling to comprehend that 2 out of the 4 new friends I have are other spider people.

    "When did you get your powers?" She asks again, I begin to open my mouth before Petra cut me off. "That day when I found you in that alley." A look of realization crosses her face, slowly nodding my head I could see the pair turn to me.

    "Flash hit me with his car." The pairs eyes pop out of their skulls, jaws to the floor, with a slow chuckle the two seem to come back to reality for a second. "After he gave me a nice beating, spider bit me." The two nod before standing back up. 

    "Why'd you break into Osborn's?" The serious look on both of their faces telling me not to play around. "I wanted answers, the spider that bit me, he had a giant O Z on him." They seem to think for a moment before Petra speaks up. "What did you find?" 

    "Only a shit ton of money and a file that was labeled 'PROJECT: S' him and his company I guess, took spiders and genetically modified them. Only 3 successful experiments were made, So if I were to guess, You, Petra got bit by a blue and red one, while Gwen here got bit by an orange...ish? One. There was some other stuff too but I can't really remember... probably wasn't important." They both nod their heads respectively. 

    "With great power, comes great responsibility (Y/N)." I could feel my eyes roll to the back of my head as Petra talks. "You are ending lives (Y/N), creating widows, creating orphans! Why would you ever do that to another kid?" 

    "Don't act like you know me Parker, I'm perfectly content the way that I am." Her eyes narrow as I stand up, dusting off the dust of my hoodie. 

    "You don't get to decide who lives and dies, We can't take lives into our own hands like that." Gwen speaks up, my feet carry me over to the edge of the roof, staring over the city of Brooklyn. "Those 3 were monsters, they're not just criminals. They're threats to everyone. Sometimes, the only way to stop them for good, is to kill them."  

    "We understand that (Y/N), I promise you we do, but we are supposed to uphold justice, not become the executioners." Scoffing I could hear two distinct pairs of feet step closer to me. "I'm not pretending to be a saint. I'm not here to babysit criminals. They had their chance. Sometimes, the system fails. I'm just making sure they don't get a second chance to hurt innocent people." 

     "I've seen what happens when you let criminals run free. The system is broken, and it's my job to fix it, no matter the cost." Gwen takes a step back, letting Petra speak up. "I know things are broken, but killing isn't the answer. We have to find a way to hold them accountable without becoming monsters ourselves." Petra grimly shakes her head, a tear strolling down her face.

The 'Amazing' Spider-Man (Marvel AU x Male Reader Spider-Man)Where stories live. Discover now