Agonizing Truth

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The clock had reached 4 am.

4 am.

What had become a normal night, Hinata would usually stay crying, sobbing, heart-wrenching until 4 am. But now, he was leaving the club clumsily with his new friends. There was so much laughter and goofiness amongst the group. A feeling of belonging Hinata had lost since that day.

He was feeling sleepy at this point, clinging onto Theo's arm as they dragged him out. "Man, the club was fire today!" Theo guided him outside where the cool night air embraced his body.

"It was perfect! I haven't danced so much in my whole life!" Alice added in, jumping next to them. Theo brought his arm over her shoulder as well, bringing the girl close.

"I didn't think I was ever going to enjoy my life," Theo spoke beneath the moonlight and Hinata understood what he meant. They all came into this world because life had been so cruel and unforgiving. They were children who wanted to live in peace. That was all. In this world, they had no obligations. No parents, for bad or for good, did not need to make their lives miserable just because some adults couldn't handle their shit. At this moment, Hinata knew he had to stand on his own feet. He missed his mother and sister so much, but the relief from escaping his father trumped any wish of ever returning.

"I haven't...smiled so much in a long time. Thank you guys." Hinatas eyes were glassy, heart swelling inside his chest as he gazed at his friends. They were so nice to him, so caring and accepting. Hinata couldn't ask for more in this life. He had to be thankful for this opportunity.

"Aww, you guys are going to make me cry." Alice wiped her face, trying to conceal her tears. But her eyes sparkled in the moonlight and she was so beautiful.

"You ready to go home?" Theo turned toward Hinata who nodded.

"Yes, I'm defeated for tonight." He giggled as they crossed the road, heading for the metro station. "I assume you guys are heading to your apartment complex?"

"Yes, I have to make sure Alice gets home. And then I can take you home, is that fine?" Theo asked and Hinata shook his head.

"No, no." He interfered, knowing he didn't want to exhaust Theo even more. They lived in opposite directions after all. "I can get home by myself! I'm not that drunk." Hinata smiled reassuringly.

"We live in the same area, I can walk with you." Out of nowhere, Kageyama popped next to their group. Not only did he look absolutely demolished, but he was also persistent. Kageyama had been on full blast in the club the past few hours, surprising everyone.

"Oh, that's great!" Alice added in, "Just text us when you arrive home, okay?" She ruffled through Hinatas curls.

"I will! See you guys on Monday!" Hinata bid his goodbyes to his friends. He met Theo's slightly concerned expression but decided not to comment on it. Hinata was too tipsy and dizzy to get into the conversation.

As Hinata was about to shift around, he was met with a harsh grip on his wrist. He flinched slightly, peering up at Kageyamas startled gaze, pupils wide like he was frightened. "Watch out you idiot!" The boy had stopped him from entering the road where a car had passed swiftly. Hinata was too out of it to even notice. "You almost got hit!"

"Huh?" Hinata blinked, "I-I didn't even know we had to cross this road." He was confused about which road to take home.

"God, you are so clueless." Kageyama held on tighter, causing his wrist to ache. "We are taking the bus, it stops closer to our school." He wouldn't let go as he guided Hinata to the correct bus, making his cheeks stain. Why was Kageyama like this? It annoyed him because he felt like he was losing! But at the same was good. To be here.

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