Chapter 17

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It's odd being back in the Springvale area again. To their left in the distance were the gates of Megaton. The few days Artemis and Zack travelled together and the weeks Artemis spend traveling to, spending time in, and coming back from The Pitt as well as Zack's time looking for and finding his father only to spend such a short amount of time together before his passing. These passed few weeks had changed the pair.

"I've noticed your hair has a bit more white in it," Zack said as they'd travelled back. "Not a lot but The Pitt must've been stressful if it gave you more white."

Artemis sighed. "Yeah. It was messed up, some of the things that were going on there. It's over now though, and the leader is dead I....I stabbed him through the heart. He nor his followers will be bothering anyone anymore." She would turn to look at the young man beside her. Before she could stop herself she found that her hand was reaching for his face and her finger traced the new lines that were etched into his skin. A couple of them were obvious scars but the rest....the rest were a testament to the stress he, too, had had to go through in the past few weeks. It must've only been a moment but it felt like hours before Zack gently grabbed the back of her hand and brought it down.

"Sorry," Artemis says and she feels embarrassed. On the outside she knew it must look as though she's falling for the boy. She wasn't and thankfully the Lone Wanderer seemed to know this. Even with weeks apart they'd felt a kinship of sorts towards each other. "I just worry is all, for anyone I consider a friend. Now. Do you think you can play that distress signal for me?"

Zach nods. Of course. She seemed like the type to worry and in truth he worried for her too. It was good to know the other was alright more or less. Without another word he tuned into the radio on his pip boy until he found the proper signal.

"This is an automated message from: Vault Tec Vault 101. Message begins." This had been a robotic sounding voice almost like the ones used for protectrons often found in the ruins of buildings and in the metro tunnels Artemis was certain she'd never get used to no matter how long she stayed here. The next part of the message however was the voice of a young woman, sounding around the same age as Zack. And by the look on his face he knew this woman. This woman was obviously close to him and that's when Artemis realized. This must be Amata, the one he loves, she thinks.

"It feels like you left home a long time ago but, I know you're still out there. I just hope you're till alive to hear this," Amata's voice sounds like she feels defeated and Artemis gets the feeling she needs to help despite never having met this woman. "Things got worse after you left. My father's gone mad with power. If...If you can hear this please stop looking for your father and help stop mine. I changed the door password to my name, if you're hearing this and you still care enough to help me, you should remember it." The young woman was able to keep her voice calm though Artemis can hear the urgency. "Message repeats," the same robotic voice as earlier says before Zack turns off the radio.

Artemis don't even need a moment to think about anything. "It sounds like more then she just needs our help," she says. "Listen I know I don't really do well underground, we've both saw that the first day we met with those weird fire ants." Zack nodded at the memory. "But if people need help...especially if it affects someone I care about...well count me in," she says eagerly. And it's with those words Zack immediately hugs her in an almost too tight grip. Artemis smiles and wants to giggle but when she finds she can't breathe she begins to tap his back to have him let her go.

Vault 101 isn't far and they follow a cave for a short while when they first come across a wooden door, and then the great steel gear-shaped door of the vault with a large 101 painted on it. Artemis can feel her chest tighten as they go deeper underground but she's quick to toss it aside as much as possible for her friend. Zack uses his pip-boy and enters the password and it immediately works as the door backs up, squealing loud enough as metal moves against metal. Artemis has to cover her ears from the noise and eventually it's wheeled off to the side. Once it stops is when Artemis uncovers her ears. "Reason number 5397 why I don't like going into underground places," she mutters to herself and to her surprise Zack giggles at this. Despite all he must be feeling right now he's managed to find the humor in her remark and for this, she's glad.

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