2.11.: Ellaria - To The Core

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WARNING: References to attempted suicide/murder;

"You were born reaching for your mother's hands

Victim of your father's plans to rule the world

Too afraid to step outside

Paranoid and petrified of what you've heard."

- BLUE by Billie Eilish

Something was wrong.

A familiar feeling of alarmingly empty permanent alert hovered around Ellaria since the last hour of the day. She knew that there was no reason for that feeling. She had made sure the wind blew around the perimeter several times in the past few hours, expanding its search range more and more until it was covering almost the entire mountain, but it repeated the same thing to her each time. There was nothing wrong with the damn mountain, nothing that could put her in this state.

Even playing with Ilunidora in her hand hadn't calmed the feeling. The sensation gnawed at her so much that Ellaria suffered minor spasms in her hands and knees occasionally. Her own body was preparing for a battle, but her mind was only swimming in confusion and uncertainty.

The day had been a quiet one, almost too quiet looking back. There had been nothing out of the ordinary. The only minimally entertaining thing had been Elain's ability to hide in the house with ease after breakfast (Ellaria had been duly impressed), and that she hadn't visited Nesta at all that day.

She didn't want the girl to feel harassed, so had decided to give Nesta some space and hoped she'd be okay there.

Midnight came and went, and Ellaria couldn't rationalize the anxiety out of her body. She'd even dressed herself in full bedtime mode in an attempt to convince her body and mind to calm down: baby blue silk pajamas and a deep dark blue robe with silver-embroidered stars, white wool socks, and extra-soft slippers, all found in the closet when she'd asked the house for something to help her. But it did not work either, and she'd started to pace back and forth in the room, clutching Ilunidora in her hand so tightly she felt the clasps lock digging into her palm.

Ellaria had been pacing for nearly half an hour when decided that had been enough. She sighed in resignation, stopped in the middle of the room, and sheepishly asked the wind to make a loop around the mountain one-last-time. The element sighed in resignation but accepted her request, and Ellaria thanked it as it shuffled towards the door.

Ellaria didn't have much knowledge of healing, but sleep eluded every demigod at some point in their lives, so she knew how perfectly make a concoction that would knock her out for at least a couple of hours. At least enough for her to relax a little and her mind to shut off for a while. She needed it.

It was too loud sometimes, that mind of hers, and Ellaria didn't want to listen to it anymore.

She entered the kitchen shortly after the wind finished its thorough inspection of the camp, and paused on her heels before stepping through the doorway.

Elain turned around in surprise, equally surprised by the stranger's presence, like a child who had been caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Because that was exactly what was happening. She was eating cookies with a cup of tea already finished at her side, still in her clothes of the day, the same she wore at breakfast, and the kitchen was still warm from the use of the oven.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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