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Maya has a vivid dream about being with Paige, where they share an intense and passionate moment in Paige's car. She wakes up to find her teammates laughing at her, having heard her talk in her sleep about the dream, with Nika teasing her about saying, "touch me, princess." Paige walks into the room smelling like weed, dressed in her usual black attire, and Maya confronts her about her smoking. The team starts to get concerned about Paige's behavior, especially when Paige gets defensive and aggressive, warning Aubrey to stop messing with her things. Maya recalls a troubling flashback from Paige's past involving someone named Kamari, which seems to explain some of her current anger issues. Despite the team's intervention, Paige refuses help, and Maya feels guilty, believing her actions might have contributed to Paige's struggles. The tension between them builds, but they eventually retreat to Paige's room, where they share a quiet moment, with Maya trying to comfort Paige while still processing everything that's happening.

Paige pov:

I'm happy to wake up just seeing Maya next to me but I knew everyone would make a fool out of us before we know what we are yet so I picked her up late a night and took her to her room then quietly walked back into my room and feel a sleep.

"Hey bab- woah who you trynna look good for ma?" I say shocked at mayas outfit she's wearing to the outlet mall "haha only for you baby" she said sitting on the bathroom counter and grabbing my chin "well then come on let's gooo" I say happily "Okk" she replied as we left and got in the car and I gave her the aux since we have similar music taste as we got there she sat down and said she's been meaning to tell me something "so Paige I don't think we can be with each other anymore you know you have such a great lifetime ahead and I've been seeing this girl Vanessa" she said "Wh-what t-t-this can't be, baby I love you is it my fans,career,is it basketball because I can take a break for you ma" I said in a heartbreaking tone "no no" she said then everybody started fading around me as I stood up she started drifting away from me with another girl who I think was Vanessa.

Just then I woke up sweating hearing me breath heavily then quickly get up and open my door just standing there to see Maya doing the same thing as we both walk to the kitchen "b-bad dream" I say clearing my throat "uh- oh yeah same same" she said trying to catch her breath, "uh do you know someone named- Vanessa" I say looking down "uh no I don't" she says back.

Maya pov:

What does she mean how does she know what the heck is happening?

Paige's POV:

The tension in the kitchen is thick enough to cut with a knife. Maya's too casual response makes my stomach twist. I keep my eyes on her, searching for any sign that my dream was just a dream.

"Vanessa?" I repeat, trying to steady my voice. "I—I don't know. It was just... something that came up in my dream."

Maya forces a small laugh, but it sounds hollow. "Dreams can be weird like that, huh?" She's trying to brush it off, but I can see the way her fingers fidget with the hem of her hoodie, and it's driving me crazy. Something's off, and she knows it.

I don't press further, not now. I'm not sure if I'm ready to hear the truth or if I'm just scared of ruining whatever we have. The dream felt too real, and I'm shaken, but I decide to let it go—for now.

"Yeah, dreams are weird," I mutter, grabbing a glass of water and gulping it down, trying to calm my racing heart. "Let's just forget about it."

She nods, too quickly, and I hate how distant she suddenly feels. It's like the warmth we had this morning, the easy connection, has been stripped away, leaving only awkwardness and doubt.

We finish our water in silence, the air between us thick with unspoken words. I want to ask her a thousand questions, but they're stuck in my throat, choking me.

Finally, Maya clears her throat. "Maybe we should get some fresh air. You know, to clear our heads," she suggests, her voice a little too bright.

I nod, grateful for the distraction. "Yeah, good idea."

We grab our jackets and head outside, the cool morning air hitting us as we step out. The sky is a soft gray, the kind of color that matches my mood perfectly. We walk side by side, but there's a gap between us that wasn't there before. I can feel it growing with every step.

As we stroll through the quiet campus, the dream keeps replaying in my mind. The way she looked at me when she mentioned Vanessa, the way she slipped away... I can't shake it. It's like a shadow hanging over us, refusing to disappear.

Finally, I can't take it anymore. "Maya, about this Vanessa... Is there something you're not telling me?"

She stops walking and turns to face me, her eyes searching mine. There's something in her gaze, something that makes my heart skip a beat.

"Paige," she starts, and I can tell she's struggling to find the right words. "Vanessa is... was... someone I used to know. It's complicated."

"Complicated how?" I ask, my voice trembling.

She looks down, taking a deep breath before meeting my eyes again. "She was someone from my past, someone I thought I was over. But recently... she reached out. And I didn't know how to tell you."

The world seems to tilt on its axis as her words sink in. My worst fear is becoming reality, and I don't know how to stop it. But I needed to just try to think because we weren't 

A/N hope y'all liked this Ik it was kinda confusing and complicated sorry 

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