Come around

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Paige's POV:

The days following our night out with the team are a blur of change, but it's a good kind of blur. I wake up each morning feeling a little lighter, a little more like myself. It's strange how a single night out can shift your perspective, but that's exactly what happened. Being surrounded by my teammates, hearing their laughter, and feeling their support—it gave me a renewed sense of hope and motivation.

The first thing I noticed was how I no longer felt the need to drown my thoughts in alcohol or lose myself in late-night escapades. The black hoodies and matching pants that had become my uniform are pushed to the back of my closet. Instead, I'm opting for brighter, more vibrant clothes—simple, comfortable, but they make me feel good.

I made a conscious decision to stop smoking too. It was never just about the weed; it was a crutch I leaned on to escape the things I didn't want to face. Now, I'm trying to deal with my issues head-on, and it feels like a small victory every day I stay clean.

One of the biggest changes is my gym routine. I used to avoid daytime practices, preferring the cover of night, but now I'm up early and hitting the gym before the sun even has a chance to fully rise. It's become a kind of ritual for me, a way to center myself and push through the lingering shadows of my past.

This morning, as I lace up my sneakers and head out, the world feels different—brighter, more open. I leave my headphones behind, the silence of the gym a welcome change. It's not that I don't enjoy music; it's just that I need to hear my own thoughts right now, to focus on the rhythm of my breath and the pounding of my heart. The gym is a sanctuary, a place where I can sweat out the remnants of my worries and build myself back up.

The routine is refreshing. Each rep, each set, feels like a step toward reclaiming my old self. I'm pushing harder than I ever did before, driven not by the need to escape but by the desire to grow stronger. The gym is filled with the clanging of weights and the sound of my own determination.

The team notices the change. They see me showing up to practice with a renewed energy, smiling more, engaging with them like I used to. They don't say much about it, but I can tell they're relieved. They're not sure what made me shift gears, but they're glad to see the change.

One afternoon, while I'm taking a break between sets, Maya comes over, her eyes bright with curiosity and relief. She's been supportive, quietly standing by while I worked through my struggles, and now she's here, a familiar presence in the gym.

"Hey," she says, leaning against the wall next to me. "You've been killing it lately. What's got you so pumped?"

I smile, feeling a genuine sense of satisfaction. "Just needed a change. Figured it was time to stop running from things and start facing them."

Maya grins, her eyes reflecting the pride she feels. "Well, it's working. You look like you're in a much better place."

"I am," I admit, my voice steady. "It's like I finally feel like myself again. It's been a long road, but I'm getting there."

She reaches out and gives me a quick hug, a gesture that means more than words can express. "I'm really happy for you, Paige. You deserve to feel this good."

I nod, feeling the weight of her words sink in. It's not just about the physical changes, but the mental and emotional shifts as well. I'm finding my way back to who I want to be, and it feels like the beginning of a new chapter.

As the weeks go by, the gym becomes my haven. I'm not just working out to pass the time; I'm working out to rebuild myself. I start enjoying my sessions, finding peace in the repetition and the challenge. The transformation isn't just in my body but in my mind and spirit as well.

The journey isn't over. There are still days when the past tries to catch up with me, but I'm learning to handle them better. The support of my team, the change in my routine, and the commitment to facing my issues head-on are helping me move forward.

And as I look in the mirror after another intense workout, I see someone who is stronger, more resilient, and ready to take on whatever comes next.

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