Chapter 1: Last Memories

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                  Angelina Owens was a girl that got along with everyone. She was nice to everyone, but if you were rude to her, her family, or her friends you would regret your life choices.

      She was an art major at Muskogee State University with a minor in Meteorology. There she met her best friends, Addy and Kate, who then introduced her to the rest of their crew. She then meets Jeb, who was Kate's boyfriend. She could tell the two were together because of how their eyes would automatically find each other. Praveen, who was a sweet boy, who seemed like he got nervous a lot, but to be honest who isn't nervous sometimes, he was also really funny too. Finally, she met Javier or Javi as he liked to be called.

       Angelina and the others then became the best of friends. She was friends with all of them, but was closer to Addy, Kate, and Javi. She felt like she had two sisters she never had, with Jeb and Praveen, it was like having two extra brothers along with her brother Tyler.

      But, with Javi, it was different. The two of them were attached at the hip. She loved his smile, his personality, his eyes, his curls, she loved everything about him.

     Javi could say the same about her, he had met no one like her before. Her wavy brown hair and her dark brown eyes caught his attention every time they hung out or she just walked in the room. She was his world, and they didn't know what they would do without each other.

       Angelina was and always will be a girl who loves art and storms. The group of friends all decided to get a house together on campus, so they wouldn't have to have dorms on campus. She would grab her canvases or her sketchbook that she always brought with her everywhere and take them onto the porch, where she would sketch or paint the sky. The rain, wind, she loved every part of it. Javi most mornings and at night as well. When he couldn't sit with her, which was rare, Kate or Addy would sit with her.

"Yo, Angie!" The thick brunette jumped as she finished packing her bag but was looking for her sketchbook that she wanted to bring with her.

   She couldn't seem to find it anywhere. The knocks continued until she groaned.

"Hold your horses! I'm coming!"

   The brunette opened the door to reveal Javi and Addy.

"We have to go!" Addy quickly said pushing her glasses back onto her nose. "We want to leave early to set up camp before the big chase tomorrow!"

    Javi noticing the girl's distressed state. His eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong?"

   The girl huffed as she looked under her bed for the third time. "I'm looking for my sketchbook!"
Javi laughs slightly before turning to the smaller blonde beside him.

"I'll help her look... You go tell Kate and Jeb we'll meet you guys outside."

     Addy sighs but agrees. "Ok, in the meantime, I'll look outside and in Jeb's van. Jeb's van was given to him by the school's meteorology department, and he has been using it for the last 3 years now. The tiny blonde leaves and then Javi walks further into the room.

    He watched her with a content look as the girl in front of him looks for the sketchbook in question.

"Angie?" Javi calls the girl who continues to look.

"Angie" He tries again, but the girl doesn't hear him. She is too focused on her book.

"Angie" Javi then grabs the girl's shoulders and turns her to him finally catching her attention again. Her skin tinging pink as her face heats up. His face does the same as the unspoken feelings between the two continued to kindle.

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