The Truth Unveiled

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An hour had passed. Or maybe it was longer—I couldn't tell anymore. The oppressive silence of the arena had a way of distorting time, stretching it out until minutes felt like hours. My mind kept racing, running through every possible scenario, every potential threat. But nothing happened. Just more silence.

I was about to give up on anything ever happening when I heard it—the sound of footsteps echoing through the arena. My heart leaped into my throat, and I shot to my feet, instinctively readying myself for whatever was coming.

But it wasn't a monster or a trap. It was a person.

A familiar figure emerged from the shadows at the far end of the arena, strolling toward me with a confident, almost casual air. As he got closer, I recognized the blond hair, the scarred face, and the smirk that seemed permanently etched on his lips.

Luke Castellan.

You've got to be kidding me.

Luke: Well, well, well. Look who finally made it to the big finale.

His voice was dripping with amusement, and he looked like he was trying hard not to laugh. In fact, he was failing at it—his shoulders were already shaking with suppressed laughter.

Me: Luke? What the hell are you doing here?

Luke: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Oh man, this is just too good. Percy, the hero of Olympus, stuck in this gods-forsaken arena. You couldn't write a better joke if you tried.

Me: What's so funny? You mind filling me in? Because I'm kinda lost here.

Luke finally stopped laughing long enough to catch his breath, but the grin on his face didn't disappear. He looked around the arena, almost as if he was taking it all in for the first time, before turning his gaze back to me.

Luke: You don't get it yet, do you, Percy? You're standing on top of one of the oldest secrets of the gods. This arena, this whole island—it's all part of a giant tomb.

Me: A tomb? ...............For who? And why am I not surprised the gods have another secret tomb lying around?

Luke: Not just any tomb, Jackson. A titan's tomb. This place was built on top of the final resting place of one of the oldest titans, a primordial being that was sealed away eons ago. And guess what? The gods needed something to keep the seal in place—something that would ensure the titan stays nice and cozy down there.

I stared at him, trying to process what he was saying. A titan's tomb? That was the last thing I'd expected to hear.

Me: And let me guess. The blood of demigods is the key to keeping that seal intact.

Luke: Bingo. You're catching on quick.

Me: ......You mean to tell me that all of this—the Labyrinth, The fight....., the trials, the deaths—was just a way to keep a titan locked up?

Luke: Exactly. Every thousand years or so, the gods have to conduct a little 'ritual' to keep the seal strong. And for that, they need a certain number of demigod sacrifices. It's all very neat and tidy—except when you're the one being sacrificed.

My mind was reeling. I'd been through so much—survived so many trials, fought for my life over and over again—only to find out that it was all for this? Just to keep some ancient titan asleep? My fists clenched, and I could feel the anger bubbling up inside me.

Me: So I'm just another pawn in the gods' never-ending game. Why am I not surprised?

Luke: That's the gods for you. They always need someone to do their dirty work. But don't worry, Percy. There's a bright side to all of this.

Me: Oh, really? Enlighten me, Luke. What's the silver lining here?

Luke's grin widened, and he took a step closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

Luke: The winner of this little game gets to walk away. No more trials, no more Labyrinth, no more killing. Just freedom. You see, the gods need a specific number of sacrifices to keep the seal in place. And right now, they're missing just one.

He paused for effect, his eyes locking onto mine.

Luke: Yours.

The words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. For a moment, I couldn't breathe. Everything I'd been through, everything I'd survived—it was all leading up to this? They needed my blood to complete the ritual?

Me: You're telling me that after everything, after all of this... it all comes down to me? They just need me to die?

Luke: That's right. You're the final piece of the puzzle. Once you're gone, the seal will be complete, and the titan will stay buried for another thousand years. Congratulations, Percy. You're the lucky one.


Lucky? !!!!

I wanted to laugh, scream, and punch something all at the same time. After everything I'd done, after all the battles I'd fought, this was how it was supposed to end? As some sacrificial lamb to keep the gods' secrets buried?

Me: HAH....So that's it, huh? That's the grand plan? I'm just a loose end that needs tying up?

Luke shrugged, his expression a mix of amusement and pity.

Luke: Pretty much. One more death and its gonna be yours. Don't worry, I'll make it quick.

I stared at him, my mind a whirlwind of anger, disbelief, and something else—something darker. I'd always known the gods played games with mortals, but this? This was on a whole new level.

Me: And you're just here to watch? To enjoy the show?

Luke: Oh, I'm here for more than that, Percy. But watching you squirm? That's definitely a bonus.

I clenched my fists, every muscle in my body screaming for action, for release. But there was nothing I could do—nothing except stand there and listen to the sickening truth.

Me: Hah....

My mind was too busy grappling with the weight of it all. The gods had been using me from the start, and now they wanted to finish the job. And Luke—well, he was just here to watch it all unfold....No, he was here to kill me... it was me or him.

I looked at him, at the smirk on his face, the coldness in his eyes, and I knew one thing for sure: I wasn't going to let this be the end. Not like this. If the gods wanted a fight, they were going to get one.

Me: This isn't over, Luke. Not by a long shot.

Luke: Good. I was hoping you'd say that. Makes it more interesting.

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