No More Running

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Just moments before this.... just seconds before.... I was push myself harder, faster, every muscle screaming in protest. The walls of the labyrinth blur around me as I sprint down the narrow corridor. The sound of the Hydra's pursuit is growing louder, the beast's growls echoing like thunder. The air is thick with the scent of blood and fear, and I can feel the monster's hot breath on the back of my neck.

But just as I think I might be gaining some ground, I skid to a halt. The corridor has ended. A solid wall of stone looms in front of me, blocking any hope of escape.

Me: Are you kidding me? A dead end? Now?!

I spin around, heart pounding, and there it is—the Lernaean Hydra, all seven heads coiled and ready to strike. It's even more massive up close, its scales shimmering with an oily sheen, its eyes glowing with a deadly hunger.

Well, looks like there's no more running. 

Time to go down swinging.... or picking an eye with a hydra....

I tighten my grip on my sword, my breath coming in ragged gasps. The Hydra's heads hiss and snap at the air, each one poised to strike. I can feel the ground tremble beneath its weight, the entire labyrinth seeming to vibrate with the monster's presence.

I have a sword.... I could theoretically...


I am alreadz Hydra food anyways.

Might as well try to get out of here alive!!!

Me: Alright, ugly. Let's dance.

The Hydra doesn't need any more invitation. The first head lunges at me, its jaws wide open, fangs dripping with venom. I dive to the side, rolling to my feet just in time to dodge a second head that snaps at where I'd just been standing.

Stay focused. 

Keep moving. 

You've faced worse, right?

A school EXAM!


They are the worse!

But it's not like anything I've faced before. It's fast, impossibly fast for something so huge, and it's like fighting seven monsters at once. I slash at the nearest head, aiming for its eyes, but the beast jerks back at the last second, my blade only managing to slice across its snout.

The Hydra roars, more in anger than pain, and another head darts forward, nearly catching me off guard. I barely manage to bring my sword up in time, deflecting the attack, but the force of the blow sends me stumbling backward. I hit the wall hard, the impact knocking the breath out of me.

This is bad. 

Really, really bad.

The Hydra presses the attack, its heads coming at me from all directions. I swing my sword in a desperate arc, managing to fend off two of the heads, but the third one catches me by the shoulder, its fangs sinking into my flesh.

Pain explodes through my arm, and I cry out, the venom burning like fire. I twist away, slashing blindly with my sword, and by some miracle, the blade cuts deep into the Hydra's neck. The head recoils, hissing in pain, and I stumble back, trying to regain my footing.

Me: You want more? Come and get it!

Where did that courage come from?!

I am scared as hell here.... damn it....

Why anger that thing too?

Another head lashes out, but this time I'm ready. I duck under its snapping jaws and drive my sword upward with all my strength, plunging the blade into the beast's throat. The Hydra roars in fury, its other heads thrashing wildly, but I hold on, twisting the sword deeper until I feel the snap of bone.

With a savage yank, I pull the sword free, the head dropping lifelessly to the ground. But there's no time to celebrate—the Hydra's other heads are still very much alive, and now they're really mad.

One down, six to go. 

No pressure.....wait... wasn't this thing all about to generating heads?

The Hydra rears back, its remaining heads weaving in a deadly dance, each one trying to find an opening. I can feel the venom from the bite coursing through my veins, slowing me down, sapping my strength. But I force myself to stay on my feet, my vision narrowing as I focus on the beast in front of me.

Me: I've got plenty more where that came from!

I leap forward, slashing at the nearest head, but it's ready this time, jerking back before I can land a solid hit. Another head whips around, its jaws snapping at my legs, but I sidestep it, driving my sword into its side. The blade sinks deep, but the Hydra twists away before I can finish the job, the wound only seeming to enrage it further.

This isn't working. 

I need a plan... and that quick!!!

The Hydra presses the attack, its heads striking like lightning, forcing me to backpedal toward the wall. I parry one, two, three attacks, each one coming closer than the last. My arm is on fire, my muscles screaming in protest, but I keep moving, refusing to give in.

And then I see it—a faint glimmer of light on the stone wall behind the Hydra, reflected in its scales. It's faint, barely there, but it gives me an idea. A crazy, desperate idea, but it might be the only chance I have.

Time to gamble.... I guess ....

I feint to the left, drawing two of the Hydra's heads in that direction, then pivot and sprint to the right. The monster lunges after me, but I don't try to dodge. Instead, I slide under its massive body, the beast's heads snapping at the empty air where I just was.

I come up on the other side, the Hydra momentarily disoriented, and I bolt for the wall. The light is coming from a small crevice, barely large enough to slip my hand into, but it's enough.

I yank a small, thing hidden there within all the vegetation of the walls, a small shield, rusty but still a bit shiny--- it should do the trick and so I grabbed it, jamked it out and then started, angling it toward the light, and as the Hydra turns toward me again, I catch the glint of light on its scales, blinding it for a split second.

It's all the opening I need.

Better than nothing after all.

I charge forward, sword raised, and drive it straight into the heart of the beast, right between its middle heads. The Hydra roars in agony, its heads flailing wildly, but I don't let go. I twist the blade, driving it deeper, until finally, with one last, earth-shaking roar, the monster collapses.

I stumble back, breathing hard, my entire body trembling with exhaustion. The Hydra's heads crash to the ground one by one, the massive body finally going still.

Did I... did I actually win?

I don't have the energy to celebrate. My vision is swimming, the venom still burning through my veins, but the Hydra is dead. I'm alive. And somehow, that's enough.

I slump against the wall, gasping for breath, the sword slipping from my fingers. The labyrinth is silent now, the echoes of the battle fading into nothingness. I don't know what's waiting for me next, but for now, all I can think is one thing:

 I really, really need a break...

And I shouldn't rest and give into this shitty venom....

 I need to endure....

Why...  just why,... am I stupid?!Where stories live. Discover now