Five weeks ago, Ben would've been thankful for the last day of camp. Since then, Ben had taken down the wall he promised himself he'd keep up the month he was stuck with his campmates, sharing stories and cultural ideas and food. He'd even given Brooklynn and Kenji Chanukah gifts, despite Brooklynn turning her nose at his culture and Kenji's bloated ego (which was no longer a problem.) He taught Yas a few Hebrew swears, which she kept calling everyone, to Ben's amusement. He told Darius the reasons behind Pesach uncountable amount of times because he liked hearing the story. He and Sammy related to having dads who accidentally overdid the alcohol during events or holidays.
But shared moments would— unfortunately, Ben now thought— end soon, as tomorrow was their final day on the island. Sure, they did have the cruises back to the mainland, and they'd be together another month, but what about after that? It wouldn't go much further.
He remembered, as he touched the snout of a Cedrorestes, his parents telling him to have a great time, that they'd miss him for Chanukah. He remembered his mother telling him she was good friends with the counselors, so if he wanted to call her he could— but calling on Chanukah was mandatory if she didn't make it to see him in person.
The Cedrorestes squawked and Ben grinned briefly, rubbing its head with a knuckle. As excited as he was to see his family again, he was adjusted to the more... "careless" lifestyle he took on while at camp. It started not long after camp did, and Ben expressed his concern of his religious customs getting in the way of activities to Yas. She shrugged it off and told him he had two months to "be himself," to "live a little."
Even though it clawed at him more and more each day, he gave in to her suggestion. He stopped praying as often, went out and bought clothes he thought looked cool (and were a lot less hot than what he was used to.) He'd have to get back into old habits and keep his camp clothes as a memory. Maybe he'd get everyone to sign one of his shirts.
Ben nudged the face of the Cedrorestes after it started chewing on his arm warmer. To the campers, it was a fashion statement, maybe something he was attached to because he wore them with his volleyball uniform. He wouldn't tell them he wore them so nobody knew he cut himself. Who'd want to know that?
The Cedrorestes probably knew. It kept sniffing his arm warmer.
"אני יודע," he murmured to it, pulling his hand away when it opened its beak. "אני מנסה לתקן את זה." ("I know." "I'm trying to get better.")
The Cedrorestes turned its focus to Ben's side and tilted its head. Ben looked too and saw Kenji standing a few feet away. He cleared his throat.
"Γεια σου Μπεν." ("Hey Ben.")
"Γεια." Ben stroked the Cedrorestes' head a final time before rising. ("Hi.")
"Εγώ, ε..." He fished through his back pocket. Ben heard a tiny clinking. "Έχω κάτι για σας." ("I uh..." "I have something for you.")
Ben eyed Kenji's clenched fist as curiously as the Cedrorestes was.
"Σκέφτηκα ότι ήταν πολύ ευγενικό εκ μέρους σου να μου πάρεις κάτι για το Χάνουκα—" He uncurled his finger, toying with the object he held somewhat shyly— "και είδα αυτό σε ένα κοσμηματοπωλείο." ("I thought it was very considerate of you to get me something for Chanukah—" "and I saw this in a jewelry store.")
When Kenji held out his hand Ben repeated the action and took a rope of small chains from his hand. It was a necklace. He kind of held it up, and the charm— a Star of David— fell to the lowest part.
Kenji toed at the dirt as Ben inspected the Star he held between his fingers. It was soft blue and edged, sunlight glinting off the different faces. The chain was looped through one of the triangular holes. He stared at it in awe.
"Σας αρέσει;" Kenji asked after a few moments. ("Do you like it?")
"Είναι πανέμορφο," he answered quietly. "Από τι είναι φτιαγμένο;" ("It's beautiful." "What's it made of?")
Kenji scratched the back of his neck. "Εεε, ανοξείδωτο ατσάλι και διαμάντι." ("Uh, stainless steel and diamond.")
Ben's lips parted. He looked between the necklace and Kenji with astonished features. "Διαμάντι;" ("Diamond?")
"Ναι. Είναι..." ("Yup. It's—")
He knew he shouldn't ask how much it cost, so instead he burst, "Δεν χρειαζόταν να το πάρεις αυτό για μένα... αυτό είναι πάρα πολύ. Σου έδωσα μια ονειροπαγίδα, δεν μου αξίζει αυτό... αυτό το διαμαντένιο κολιέ..." ("You didn't have to get that for me— that's too much. I gave you a dreamcatcher, I don't deserve this... this diamond necklace—")
"Φίλε, είναι εντάξει. Ήθελα να το πάρω." ("Dude, it's okay. I wanted to get it.")
The diamond gleamed proudly when Ben tilted it. He sighed. "...Σας ευχαριστώ." ("Thank you.")
Kenji smiled, "Φυσικά." ("Of course.")
Ben ran a thumb over the Star of David, slowly turning back to the Cedrorestes, who craned its neck and sniffed at the necklace. Kenji awkwardly left in the corner of his eye, but he seemed happy.
He kneeled down, "תסתכל." He dangled the necklace in front of its face, "זה יפה." ("Look." "It's beautiful.")
The Cedrorestes tried to mouth the charm, but it was too far away. Ben made sure of that.
Ben poked the dinosaur's nose. It chirped, reaching again for the necklace.
"אין סיכוי," he cooed to it with emphasis, then stared at the charm admiringly. ("There's no chance." )
Who knew Kenji would get him something that grand?
Benji (Ben Pincus / Kenji Kon) snippets
RomanceThere's not enough of them 😭 I don't own the characters or series!