Chapter 5

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I awoke from my amazing slumber to my best friend, my ride or die, and most importantly... my crush. I smiled at the wonderful sight of him asleep. I took in all of his features before smiling again. Damn, I have a small crush on my best friend... Maybe a big crush. He still had his toned arms secured tightly around my waist. I'm surprised that his bottom arm isn't asleep. But who knows, Nil is a hard sleeper so he wouldn't feel it anyway. I think that I want to make breakfast for Nil and Lil as a thank you for letting me stay here until I get on my feet. I slowly unwrapped his right arm which had me caged in, then smoothly rolled off the bed onto my feet. I chuckled to myself... I'm childish at times. I tip toed to my duffel bag and grabbed my tooth brush and toothpaste. I then grabbed a face towel and walked to the small bathroom attached to the bedroom. I looked around the blue themed bathroom before turning on the faucet. I brushed my teeth, gums, and tongue until I felt that my mouth isn't filthy. Next, I wet my turquoise face towel and cleaned my face. I made sure to get all of the sleep out of my eyes. Finally, I rinsed the towel, then placed the wet towel on the rack to dry and the toothbrush/toothpaste into the drawer. I walked out of the room and towards the kitchen. I pulled out all of the necessary ingredients for waffles, scrambled eggs, French toast, sausage links and grits. Lets get it poppin'.



I awoke up to the smell of, food? Oh, shit is it is Mani cooking? It has to be Mani cooking because Khalil can't cook for shit. Although, I'm not one to say shit about some one cooking, I still can't believe she is cooking for us. I'm one grateful nigga! I stood up, stretching. Once I finished, I walked to my bedroom, into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I then walked out of the bathroom, back into my red room.

I made sure that I was presentable for Mani. I don't give a shit about Khalil seeing me in anyway vise versa. I want to make sure that I respect her here but this shit gone be hard cause I walk around in boxers, normally. I currently had on some black Calvin Klein boxers. I decided to wear some sweats since we was just chilling. Fuck a shirt. She seen me with out one before.

I grabbed my phone off charger and checked for messages. I had 3 messages. 2 from groupies and one from my mother. I checked the one from my mother first. My mother will forever be more important than these broads. It read, "Good morning son, I pray that you have a wonderful day today and make good choices!" I smiled before responding with a simple, "You 2 ma."

I slipped my phone into my black boxers, sagging a tad. Just enough to show the band of my Calvin Klein boxers. Nothing to bogus. I walked towards the kitchen to see Mani preparing plates. Damn, Mani Baby know how to throw down! I took my eyes off of the food and placed them on her ass. Shit, I was worried about disrespecting her, mane she disrespecting me in these tight ass Nike shorts. Mani Baby got back! I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, watching her prepare the plates.

Nil- Morning Mani Baby.

Mani- Morning Nil. What you want on your plate?

Nil- Shit, every got damn thang.

Mani- I new it.

Nil- You know me.

Mani- Vise versa.

She put the plates down and wiggled out of my grip. She walked to the refrigerator and pulled out Orange Juice and Apple Juice. I watched as she poured one apple juice and two orange. She placed the plates along with the juice on the table.

Mani- Are you going to stare at me or sit down?

Nil- I think I'll stare...

Mani- No Nil! You know how I feel about myself!

Nil- I do... Which is why with in the time frame that your with me from now on, I'm going to boost your esteem. I hate how insecure you are... No diss though fam.

Mani- No! I don't want to be Cocky like Lil! *Laughs*

Nil- There's a difference. I'm going to make you feel beautiful and confident not Cocky. Cocky is feeling that your existence tops off everyone else's which is what Lil thinks.

As soon as I mentioned Khalil, his ugly ass walks in. He looked at all the food, then from me to Mani... He walked over to Mani and picked her up, hugging her. "Thank you so fucking much for cooking my hungry ass some breakfast Mani. You the real MVP!" He said. I rolled my eyes at his stupid ass, trying not to laugh.

I know If I laugh it will only boost his ego... And that can't happen. Mani laughed as he sat down at the table. I sat down before we all started saying grace. When we finished praying, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Mani said. I was gone let her get it until Khalil gave me the eye. See, Mani and Maaliyah know that we are in the game but they don't the severity of it and the precautions that need to be taken. "Nah, you good Mani." I said. I walked to the door, gripping the gun, in my pocket.

Won't catch my ass slipping. My ass stay strapped. I looked out of the door and saw Maaliyah big head ass. I opened the door saying, "What's up big head?" "Not shit... and don't be talking about my head, bitch." I rolled my eyes at her and walked back to the table. She sat her bags down before grabbing a plate and sitting down... "So, what we doing today?" Asked Mani. "Well actually Lil and I have a surprise for y'all today..." I said, grabbing their full attention.

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