Chapter 25

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It's going on 7:30 and Yari isn't here yet. I rolled my eyes, before getting off of the couch and walking to our makeshift kitchen. It contained a long table with a portable table, a microwave, and a mini refrigerator. I opened the fridge and grabbed a yogurt. I didn't even bother to get a spoon. I just popped the top and started drinking the cremè straight to the head. My eyes wondered until they landed on Maaliyah looking at me weird because of how I am eating it.

I put it down and cracked a smile. She shook her head at me before kissing my cheek as I walked passed. I rubbed it off dramatically saying, "Keep your infected ass lips off me Li!" She smirked at me before running and tackling me on the couch. We play fought before I heard a knock on the door. More like a beat. I instantly got excited and ran to the door. I opened the door and was greeted by my brother. "BROTHERRR! I missed you!" I said kissing his cheek and hugging him tightly.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly before slightly pushing me to the side sarcastically. "Girl why call me up here? I was about to take a nap. And momma and dad at the hotel. They told me to tell to you Hey and call them later on tonight." He said while going in our refrigerator and grabbing my yogurt before making his way to our couch. "Nigga, get your damn feet off my couch." I said throwing his feet of our couch. This nigga literally gave no fucks. "So what's up?" He said concerned.

"You remember that Tahnil nigga I was telling you about? Well, we all went out to lunch today to Apple Bees ... Me, Maaliyah, Mani, Marcus, Khalil and Tahnil. We're all just talking and laughing it up. Well he gave the waitress his number and they were flirting heavy as hell, so Maaliyah gets mad and tells him off. I calmed her down the first time, then Khalil, his brother, tells him how foul he was being before I said to leave him alone because we weren't together. I was eyeing him down the whole time just reading him like a book. I could tell that he was bitter angry at something. He goes off on me talking about how I'm starting to get the perfect life because of my real parents and how his mom is on the verge of death. So I calmly told him how I didn't know he felt that way, stood up, left, and called you before coming home." I said before taking a deep breath.

Yari sighed deeply before speaking. "I don't like this nigga already. But sis, it sounds to me that he's just angry that your roles switched. He's used to being the masculine one in the relationship because even though you both loved the same terrible way, you was closer to knocking on deaths door than he ever would. Your life is finally coming into place. Your finally coming out of the dark and realizing who you truly are while he really has to find himself. What he doesn't realize is that he has a beautiful girl beside him who's willing to walk through this with him. ZAMANI, stay with him. He needs you more then ever, but if that nigga say any more foul shit, I'm getting dad on his ass." He said.

I laughed before embracing my brother. I've only known him for a day and he is two years younger than me but he has more knowledge and wisdom than most grown folks. He held me until I fell asleep. I love my Yari Shawdy.

Thanks Loves ❤️


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