Chapter 31

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"Nil." I said as I shook Tahnil out of sleep. He opened his eyes and looked around groggily. He looked at me and then looked outside the window. When he spotted his mothers home he smiled, solemnly before opening the my truck door and hopping out. He grabbed his headphones and stuffed them into his pocket as he walked towards the front door.

"Thanks Mani." He said to me as he began knocking on her door.

"No problem." I said just before she opened the door. She looked Nil in the face before her hand shot to her mouth. She squealed as she hugged Tahnil tightly. "I could've sworn you or your brother wasn't coming back. I just knew you wouldn't forgive me. I'm so sorry! Please forgive me." She cried.

"I'm not upset mom. I was but I'm over it and I want to apologize for my language and the way I acted that night. I'm really sorry." Tahnil said as he pulled away from his sick and aging mother.

"Oh boy! Hush up." I understand and I expected that! But where is Khalil?" She asked him.

"Umm, he said he had something to do. He didn't tell me what though." Tahnil said.

"Oh." She said as a pang if hurt struck her face. However, it was quickly masked by a smile. That's all she seemed to do these days. Mask a smile. That's all anyone seemed to do.

Abused BeautifullyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora