Hi, Society

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Rebekah sighs as she walks to school as she sees Serena and Blair as she just passes by Blair bumping into her as she rolls her eyes as Rebekah looks as she walks into the class as she sighs "This is what I have to do?" Rebekah asked as Chuck chuckles "Yes, It'll be fine" he said as she rolls her eyes "Doesn't even matter if I do or not" she says as he smiles "I'm with you all steps of the way" Chuck tells Rebekah kissing her forehead as they walked into the class.


Rebekah was on Chuck's lap on her bed as his arms were on her back as he was sitting up kissing her as he bit down on her lip laying her on the bed kissing down her neck as she smirks, biting down her lip "Rebekah! Come down please!" Her father shouted "Damnit" Chuck said as Rebekah smiles kissing him "I'll be back" she said getting up putting her shirt back on as she walks downstairs to see what her dad wants

"Hey, daddy, Cheire. What's up?" Rebekah asked them "We've thought about this but we think you should pick out your own dress for the ball so anyway you want go and get what you want" Randel tells her as Rebekah smiles "Oh, daddy. Thank you" she says hugging him "Now, we're trusting you so Please make this family proud" Cheire tells her smiling as Rebekah nods "Thank you, love you!"

 Thank you" she says hugging him "Now, we're trusting you so Please make this family proud" Cheire tells her smiling as Rebekah nods "Thank you, love you!"

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^^Her Outfit^^

"Why am I with you for this again?" Chuck asked Rebekah who rolls her eyes "Shut the hell up, I didn't ask you to come and made yourself come" she tells him as she was trying on the 6th dress "So, yes or no?" she asked him as he sighs as he gets up "You take that off and calm down while I go ask for some I think you'll like" Chuck tells her kissing her cheek walking away as she smiles going and getting back into her clothes and waits for him "Here, try these" Chuck tells her handing her some dresses as she smiles as she goes back to the dressing room.

Rebekah walks out the dressing room with the final dress as Chuck looks at her walking over to her "I think this is the one" he said kissing her cheek as she smiles "Yeah, I do too" she says with a smile "Go get dressed and we can go get you some shoes hm?" Chuck tells her as Rebekah nods kissing his cheek going back to the dressing room so they could leave

"Thank you, Chuck I appreciate it, Seriously" Rebekah tells Chuck "I'm your boyfriend it's what i'll do for you" he tells her kissing her softly as she smiles "Good then" rebekah tells him as he chuckles kissing her puting his arms around her "Let's go"

"Thank you, Chuck I appreciate it, Seriously" Rebekah tells Chuck "I'm your boyfriend it's what i'll do for you" he tells her kissing her softly as she smiles "Good then" rebekah tells him as he chuckles kissing her puting his arms around her "Let...

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^^Her Ball Outfit^^

"Hello?" Rebekah says as she was getting ready for the ball "Hey sweetheart, I just wanted to tell you you're going to be amazing tonight" he tells her as she smiles "Thank you, my love" she says to him as he smiles "See you, tonight" Chuck tells her as she smiles "See you, tonight" Rebekah says hanging up the phone "Maria, My hair please!"

Rebekah walks downstairs as she looks at her dad and Cheire as they smile "You look beautiful sweetheart" Cheire tells her with a smile as her dad smiles "I'm so proud of you" Randel tells Rebekah


Rebekah walks to where she was supposed to as she waits for Chuck seeing him and Nate get in line as she smiles "Hey, beautiful" Chuck says as she smiles as she ignores Blair who was staring at them Chuck looks at her "You're going to have to talk to her eventually" Chuck tells Rebekah who glares at him rolling her eyes "Shut the hell up"

"Hello and welcome to the annual dispensary cotillion and debutante ball" The lady announces as everyone claps for them after that they immediately start "Katia Farkas daughter of Johnathan and Rose Farkas escorted by Richard North. Hopes to major in neuroscience and will continue her family's legacy as supporters of the New York Public Library and Lincoln Center" The lady announces grabbing the other card as they both walk off together

"Blair Cornelia Waldorf, Daughter of Harold and Eleanor Waldorf escorted by Nathaniel Archibald, plans to be a member of Yale's class of 2013. She will continue to summer in Southampton and volunteer her time to children's charities" The lady announced as Blair and Nate look at each other as they both walked off.

"And now I'd like to present Serena Celia van der Woodsen daughter of committee member Lilian van der Woodsen granddaughter of Chairwoman Emeritus Celia Cathrine Rhodes, escorted by Carter Baizen. Miss van der Woodsen hopes to bed as many billionaires as she can before settling down to oh my god...sorry" The lady says as Serena and Carter just walks off laughing

"Why would she do that?"  Rebekah asked, chuckling a bit as Chuck shrugs "Who knows it's Serena" he tells her as she walks up as she looks at Chuck with a smile "Rebekah Austin daughter of Randel Austin of Austin Industries, escorted by Charles Bass. She hopes to be a part of Columbia's class of 2013 and after that will teach English in Japan and one day take over Austin Industries following in her father's footsteps." the lady announces as Chuck takes her arm as they walk off to where everyone else was.


Rebekah and Chuck were on the dance floor as she saw him and Nate as she looked at Chuck "What's going on with you and Nate?" Rebekah asked him as they continued dancing as Chuck looks at her "It's nothing" he promises her as she rolls her eyes as they end up changing partners because of the dance which she was with Nate as she seen Chuck tell him something as Nate walks over to Carter punching him as Rebekah sighs "Nate, what are you doing?" Blair asked as the two boys were fighting as Rebekah sighs looking at Chuck as he shrugs as she justs sighs shaking her head at him as she just walks away as she sees her dad come up to her "What is it dad?" she asked not sure what he needed. "I was proud of you and I thought you were getting better" he tells her "Dad, I don't understand" she says. "First it the drinking and staying out all night and now you're the center of a brawl? Rebekah...I don't know what to do with you" He tells her "I didn't do anything but you'd never believe me anyways" she says just storming off from him

"Hey, there you are" Chuck says looking at Rebekah noticing something was wrong "Apparently this was useless my dad is still disappointed in me" she tells him as Chuck kissed her head "You're not you're the most perfect woman" he tells her as Rebekah smiles softly as Chuck kissed her "Come on, let's go dance hm?" he says as Rebekah smiles "Yes, lets"

"Hey, there you are" Chuck says looking at Rebekah noticing something was wrong "Apparently this was useless my dad is still disappointed in me" she tells him as Chuck kissed her head "You're not you're the most perfect woman" he tells her as Rebe...

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