Chapter 7 : His friends

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Siya's POV:The next morning dawned quietly, a stark contrast to the emotional whirlwind of the previous day. I woke up early, my body still heavy with exhaustion, but the knowledge that Aarav was stable gave me a sense of peace. After a quick breakfast, I grabbed my white coat and stethoscope, ready to face another day at the hospital.

    As I was about to leave, Akshath emerged from his room, looking unusually energized. "Hey, Siya," he called out, his tone lighter than usual. "A few of my friends are coming over today. We're going to shoot a video vlog. Just wanted to give you a heads-up."

    I paused at the door, turning to face him. "Oh, okay. I'll be at the hospital most of the day, so I probably won't be in the way."

    He nodded, but there was something in his expression that made me hesitate. "You're welcome to join us when you get back. It's just a casual thing, nothing too crazy."

    I forced a small smile. "Thanks, but I'm not sure I'll be up for it. It's been... a lot lately."

   He looked like he wanted to say more, but he simply nodded again. "Alright, just know you're welcome."

    I left for the hospital, pushing aside any thoughts of what might be happening at the apartment while I was gone. The day was busy, as always, with rounds, patient check-ups, and follow-ups from yesterday's surgery. Every now and then, I found myself thinking about Aarav, wondering how he was doing, hoping the recovery was going smoothly.

    By the time I finished my shift, it was already past 8 p.m. I felt the familiar tug of exhaustion as I headed back to the apartment, bracing myself for the noise and energy that awaited me. As soon as I stepped into the flat, I was greeted by the sounds of laughter and chatter coming from the living room. The atmosphere was warm and lively, filled with the kind of energy I rarely experienced outside of the hospital. I hesitated at the entrance, suddenly feeling out of place in my simple kurti suit, with my hair tied back in a loose ponytail. I wasn't used to social gatherings like this, especially with people I didn't know.

    "Siya!" Akshath's voice rang out from the living room, drawing everyone's attention to me. He waved me over with a friendly smile. "Come on in, meet the crew!"

   I stepped in cautiously, feeling every eye on me. There were three other people in the room—a guy with a camera slung over his shoulder, a girl with brightly dyed hair who was setting up lights, and another guy fiddling with a laptop. They all looked up and smiled as I entered."Guys, this is Siya," Akshath introduced me. "She's my new flatmate and also a doctor, so be nice to her!"

    "Hey, Siya!" they greeted me in unison, their voices friendly and welcoming.

    I managed a shy smile, feeling a little less awkward as they welcomed me. The girl with the colorful hair, who introduced herself as Rhea, stepped forward and gave me a quick, warm hug. 


    "It's so nice to meet you! We've heard so much about you."

    I blinked, surprised. "You have?"

    Rhea grinned. "Yeah, Akshath's been telling us how hard you work and how you're, like, a superhero doctor. Seriously, we're all in awe."

I felt my cheeks warm with embarrassment. "I'm just doing my job," I murmured, feeling uncomfortable with the praise.

   "Well, your job is pretty amazing," the guy with the camera, Vikram, added. "Saving lives and all that. We're just here making videos."

    They all laughed, and I found myself smiling despite my discomfort. Their easygoing nature and genuine interest made me feel less out of place. Akshath seemed to notice my unease, and he quickly steered the conversation toward lighter topics, making sure I wasn't overwhelmed.

    As the evening wore on, I found myself slowly relaxing. Rhea and Vikram were hilarious, constantly cracking jokes and teasing each other, while the third guy, Karan, was a tech genius who kept things running smoothly. They included me in their conversations, asking about my work in a way that didn't feel intrusive, and before I knew it, I was laughing along with them.

    It was almost surreal, this shift from the intense atmosphere of the hospital to the casual, carefree vibe of Akshath's friends. I hadn't realized how much I needed a moment like this, to just be part of something normal, something fun. It felt good, even if I still kept a bit of distance, unsure of how much I should let myself enjoy it.

    By the time the clock ticked closer to 10 p.m., they had finished shooting most of their content and were wrapping up. I offered to help clean up, but Rhea waved me off. "You've had a long day, Siya. Go relax, we've got this."

    "Yeah," Vikram agreed, giving me a thumbs-up. "You did more than enough by just hanging out with us. It was great meeting you."

   I nodded, feeling a warmth in my chest that I hadn't expected. "It was nice meeting you all too. Thanks for making me feel welcome."

   As they packed up their gear, Akshath walked over to me, a soft smile on his face. "I'm glad you joined us, Siya. You looked like you needed it."

   I looked down, fiddling with the edge of my kurti. "Yeah, I think I did. Your friends are really nice."

     He nodded, his smile growing. "They liked you too. Maybe next time, we can all hang out together again?"

    I nodded, feeling a small sense of hope bloom inside me. "Maybe."

    As I retreated to my room that night, I felt a little lighter. The heaviness from the hospital still lingered, but it was balanced by the warmth of the evening, the laughter, and the unexpected camaraderie. Maybe things were starting to change, just a little. And maybe, just maybe, I was starting to find a place where I could belong.

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