chapter one

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''These are the precious memories that I treasures.''

One random Monday, Rafael had just arrived at school. He's being greeted from the guys from the other classes, a little part of him was disappointed that the one who greeted him is not even his own classmates, "How come they're not here to welcome me?" he mumbled.

Walking alone in the busy first floor of Valor Crest, Rafael looked around, trying to find anyone familiar to him. He then came neared the Cafeteria here near the teacher's room. He saw two people chasing each other until one of them slipped down the floor.

He felt like he know them, so then he squinted his eyes to get a greater view of who's this person who just slipped, and who's the other that's laughing like crazy while trying to pull him back up. The two then shouted at each other, and just from hearing their loud voices, Rafael is now sure of who's this two figures are.

"BUT- BUT VICT THAT WAS-" cackling, the shorter's leg felt like it's getting weaker as he let himself sliding down and crouched on the floor, "THAT'S JUST SO STUPID WHY ARE YOU LIKE!.. LIKE THAT!" his laugh echoed in the Cafeteria, making some other students glanced and stared at them weirdly.

The taller facepalmed himself out of embarrassment, he accidentally tripped on his own foot, and it was all seen by the shorter beside him, "Shut your ass before I fucking choked you."

The shorter whistled, "Ooohh, kinky." he pointed his index finger at the taller who looked so pissed right now.

"Bro what-" Rafael heard their whole conversation and he just couldn't help but make a disgusted expression as the shorter said that last sentence of his. And seconds after, the two's eyes were locked at him who's actually trying to surprise them.

Rafael was about to turn around and runaway from this two inseparable inhuman creature, but his hands were gripped by the shorter who immediately jumped onto his back, leaving Rafael no choice but to carry him or else he fall, "Brian I swear to god, I'm still bringing this heavy ass bag-"

Brian giggled at Rafael's reaction, "I'm light, don't worry about it." 

Rafael rolled his eyes, "But this bag is heavy," the male crouched and dropped Brian by force in that height, making sure he's not hurt a single bit, "Shit my bac- OUCH!" his bones cracked.

"Whoa there grandpa," the other laughed at Rafael's cracked backbones, "You better not crack another one, I don't want you to die yet."

 Rafael rolled his eyes again, "Shut up Dad." he said while scoffing, not even realizing how Brian just steal his water bottle.

They have a chat there in the Cafeteria for like some minutes, until they decided to comeback to the classroom of XI-2, their class. And that's also when Rafael realized that Brian had steal his bottle for a straight 5 minutes.

Arriving at the second floor, Rafael witnessed the sight of his juniors confessing his love to a girl in front of everyone. Both Victor and Brian's jaw dropped when they see that very bold move. The two then stared at each other before looking back at the junior who just confessed.

Hovering his hand above the younger's shoulder, "Rafael, that's what you called," Victor pointed at the guy who's love is accepted by the girl, "A man."

Brian clapped his hands, "What a sigma male."

Rafael snorted, "Shut up brainrot kid," Rafael then earned a cheeky smile from Brian, "I'm trying to listen to Victor here!" 

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