chapter five

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''It is an emergency, it'S NOT EVEN A QUESTION!''

The end of the week is near, today is Friday. Rafael walked to school together with Vernon and he met Dylan on the way, so they went to the school together. They spare some minute visiting the Walmart they always went to. 

The television there is showing the exact same news as the last time Vernon and Rafael visited this Walmart. But today, there's a twist to the news. They said a lock down will be provided since this monster fever is getting out of hand. The patient looks like corpse and they're hunting each other just like what Zombies did.

Taking that piece of  onigiri, "Odd." Rafael mumbled.

Greeting the two security who's been waiting for his arrival time, the three of them got inside the main building with the widest frown on their face. Already tired just thinking about today's schedule. They have to go to the auditorium and perform for the sake of their test scores.

Heaving out a sigh, Rafael together with the two walked upstairs after getting greeted by some of the teachers and their friends from other class. In the way, they saw two juniors talking to each other, and Rafael accidentally overheard their conversation.

"May, do you know?" the taller asked, and the girl called May just shakes her head in confusion, "That monster fever, people died because of it, but some of them turned into a.. Zombie!" the boy continued to tell the story.

May's eyes blinked twice, "Zombie? Like in the movies?" her eyes full of horror imagining the scenes where people are eaten alive by those fairy tale monsters.

"Exactly," the boy nodded his head, but looking worried the next second, "M-My online friend's Father died because of it. He called me last night, and I heard weird noises.." he looked at May with that fear visible in his eyes, "He yelled help, and the call got disconnected.. I can't call him again." he ended his sentence, and May looked extremely shocked because of it.

May looked down to the floor thinking about what she should say next, "About.. About the noises.." the male's ears twitched when he heard the question rolled out from the girl's mouth, "How does it.. How does it sounds like?"

The male glanced away, "Growl." he said that one word, and it was more than enough for the girl to understand the feels.

"It kinds of.." the male tapped his chin, thinking hard as to what does it sounds like, "It sounds like the janitor yesterday!" he snapped his finger, making the girl look at him in realization, "When you're at the infirmary with me, we heard him growled multiple times, right?"

May shut her eyes tight, "Stop it there, it's scary you know." she said, remembering how both May and this male in front of her stiffened in confusion and fear when the janitor started growling like one insane person.

The male bite his lower lips, he didn't mean to scare her. He doesn't know she hates scary things anyways, "May, sorry, I didn't mean it!" he tried to make it up with a laugh. Thanks to all of the above he succeed in making her smile again.

Rafael's jaw dropped at the conversation he just heard. He doesn't mean to heard all of it, but anyway, he peek from behind the staircase and listen to it. The tallest male saw him peeking from behind the stairs, a smile made its way to his sculpture like features.

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